Research Methods

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Hassan Abbas                                                                    Candidate number: 4000

Leisure and Tourism

McDonalds use a variety of different techniques for search purposes. Research for McDonalds means they can increase profits, gain more customers. Identify target market and raise customer’s satisfaction. They will reflect the quality and the amount of product for different target market.

The Mum’s Panel

In my opinion, The Mum’s panel has 10 mums from across the United Kingdom who decide what should McDonalds Improve on and what they want more e.g. fruit bags, Happy meal and pure juice. They target mums because they are the one who bring their children to the restaurant the most and mums will know what they children enjoy to eat the most.

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McDonalds also gets away with advertising unhealthy product with showing kids eating vegetable and fruits. As law says that no restaurants are allowed to advertise junk food for children.

In my opinion, McDonalds took advantage of the mum’s panel because it help them a lot for example they  changed products such as chicken breast, more juice and water, less salt and less sugar also no artificial sugar in products like jellies.

This research targets children and mums.

Restaurant Location

In my assessment, The best place to build a McDonalds ...

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