Hip swivel
Facing forwards place feet shoulder width apart. Take your left and right hands and place them on your hips, slowly and with control push hips in a clockwise circular motion for a count of 8-10 seconds, then stop and repeat the exact process but in a anti clockwise motion
Set up 4 cones in a square shape approximately 6metres apart, In the middle place another 4 cones in a square shape however this time place them 1metre apart.
Split the participants into 4 even groups and place 1 group on each outside cone.
Place 2 balls on two of the opposite corners/cones.
OBJECTIVE: The player with the ball must run to the inside square and pass to his right and join the group infront of him, the player who receives the ball must then repeat that process.
REMEMBER: There are two balls and so two players running to the inside square, (WATCH OUT!) When players have mastered this drill three or even four balls may be used, you may also change the direction of the pass from right to left.
PUNISHMENT: If the ball is dropped 10 press-ups are awarded to the dropper unless the pass is bad, and therefore the 10 press-ups go to the passer. If the ball is dropped more than 6 times during the 15min training session the whole team must do 20 press-ups.
Set up 4 cones in a rectangle shape of 5metres by 10metres. Place participants into groups of 5 and give each group 1 ball. Line each group up behind the 5metre line in rows. Give the participant of each group in the line on the right hand side one ball.
OBJECTIVE: The group must pass the ball up and then back down the line before reaching the 10metre cone, a total of 10 passes. The group must also stay within the rectangle while attempting the drill.
REMEMBER: You can increase the level of difficulty for this drill by either shortening the rectangle, increasing the amount of passes needed to be completed inside the 10metres or by shortening the 5metre width of the rectangle.
PUNISHMENT: If the ball is dropped the whole group do 10 sit-ups each. Every pass missed equals 5 sit-ups for the group. If more than 3 groups fail to do the drill in a row then 30 sit-ups are awarded to each group.
Set Up the diagram below.
Separate participants into groups of 2 with one player facing the green cone and the other facing the blue.
OBJECTIVE: Player 1 runs up to and then around the green cone tackles the tackle bag and runs towards the try-line by running through the tackle zone. Meanwhile the tackler, player 2 runs to and around the blue cone and then runs into the tackle zone. Player 1 must run around the green cone and tackle the tackle bag then avoid being tackled by player 2 by running past the try line. While player 2 must run around the blue cone and then tackle player 1.
PUNISHMENT: If player 1 fails to make the try-line then he must perform 5 press-ups. However if player 2 fails to make the tackle on player 1 he must perform 5 press-ups.
Place 4 cones in a square shape 7metres by 10metres apart. Separate participants into groups of two with player 1 on one side of the square and player 2 on the opposite side; Give player 2 a ball.
OBJECTIVE: Player 2 must run from one side to the other without being tackled and score a try, player 1 must tackle player 2 before he/she can score.
REMEMBER: You can make the drill more difficult by shortening the distance between players 1 and 2, or make it harder for the tackler by increasing the width of the tackle zone.
PUNISHMENT: If player 2 doesn’t score he must do 15 sit-ups, and if player 1 does not make the tackle he must do 15 sit-ups.
Place 4 cones in a square shape 1metre by 1metre, then place another cone 15metres away from the small square. Separate participants into groups of 2. Player one stands on the single cone with a ball while player 2 stands inside the square with no ball.
OBJECTIVE: Player 1 has 5 kicks, he must kick the ball to player 2 who must catch the ball and remain within the square.
REMEMBER: You can make this drill more difficult by increasing the distance of player 1 and player 2 or by de-creasing the squares size in which player 2 stands in.
PUNISHMENT: If player 2 fails to catch 3 out of the 4 kicks player 1 supplies both players do 10 press-ups for each kick they have missed or dropped.
In-between the Rugby posts measure the distance of 5metres and place a cone, do this again for the distances of 10,15 and 30metres. Get participants in a single line and place one ball on each cone.
OBJECTIVE: Each player has a kick from each of the distances and tries to get all over the posts.
REMEMBER: You can increase the difficulty of this drill by placing the point of kick at an angle or increasing the distance from cones to post.
PUNISHMENT: if the player misses the kick from 5metres he/she must do 20 sit-ups, if the kick is missed from 10metres he/she must do 15 sit-ups, etc. Until all kicks have been completed.
Set up the diagram below.
Separate participants into groups 4 with no more than 7 players in each group. Place each group on different cones in a diagonal line to the cone. Place one ball on each cone.
OBJECTIVE: the player closest to the cone and ball picks up the ball and passes it down the line while running towards the gain line. The person who receives the ball then intern does the same until it reaches the end of the line, the player at the end of the line will be by this time at the far cone and so places the ball on the cone. The group then forms up exactly the same as at the beginning of the drill but on the right side of the triangle. This process is repeated until all groups are at their original starting point.
PUNISHMENT: If the ball is dropped by any of the groups the whole team does 20 press-ups.
Separate participants into 2, 10 player groups. Place group A with a 1metre gap between each player, facing group B in a single line one behind the other.
OBJECTIVE: Group B send one player every 4 seconds into line A. These players have to try and get through the line without being tackled or try to open up gaps in the line for the players behind them to get through. If they are tackled then they are out of the drill. Line A must hold their shape, not allow overlaps to happen or gaps to be created.
PUNISHMENT: If line A allow more than 5 players to get through their defensive line they have to run around the rugby pitch. If line B do not get more than 5 players through the defensive line they must run around the Rugby pitch.
GAME 1: UP TO 10
Set 4 cones into a square shape of 10metres by 10metres. Place participants into 2 groups of 12. Give group A the ball.
OBJECTIVE: Group A has to pass the ball around its group ten times to win. Group B has to try and snatch the ball or tackle the man with the ball, if group B is successful the ball is turned over and the roles are changed, group B have to pass it ten times and group A have to try and snatch it off them.
REMEMBER: You can make this game harder by increasing the number of players for each team or by making the passing zone smaller.
PUNISHMENT: If one group does make it to ten then the other does 20 press-ups.
Play on a full size rugby pitch. Separate players into 2 teams of 15. Give Team A the ball. Start from middle of the pitch.
OBJECTIVE: Each side must try to score a try, there is no passing prohibited. The players can only tackle each other so it’s one big free for all!
REMEMBER: You can make this game harder by making the pitch smaller or long but very thin.
PUNISHMENT: Any player who is seen passing is taken out of the game and made to run round the pitch once, when this is completed he/she may be allowed back into the game.
Play on a full sized rugby pitch. Separate participants into 2 teams of 15. Give team A the ball. Start from middle of the pitch.
OBJECTIVE: Team A kick the ball to team B if team B fail to catch the ball they retire 10metres and Team A kick again. Until eventually team A is in range of team B’s goal posts, If the ball then is kicked over and between these posts they score 5 points. However if team B catches the ball Team A retires 10metres until team A catches it or team B scores.
PUNISHMENT: Whichever team scores the most wins and so the team that looses does 30 sit-ups.
Play on Full sized rugby pitch. Split players into 2 teams of 15. Give Team A the Ball.
OBJECTIVE: Each team has 6 tackles to attack with, so whichever team has the ball has to try and score but can only be tackled by the opposition 6 times. When tackled 6 times the team with the ball has to turn it over to the opposition. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
PUNISHMENT: The team that looses has to run around the pitch once.
- Introduction
- Rugby Training Programs Schedule
- Warm Up and Cool Down
- Drill 1: Accurate Passing
- Drill 2: Fast Passing
- Drill 3: Two in One
- Drill 4: One on One
- Drill 5: Kick in the Box
- Drill 6: Kick for Goal
- Drill 7: Attack the Line
- Drill 8: Iron Curtain
- Game 1: Up to Ten
- Game 2: No Passing
- Game 3: Kick It
- Game 4: Attack and Defend
- Drill 10: Muscle Endurance
- Drill 11: Muscle Strength
- Drill 13: Muscle Power
To improve muscle endurance you must use a load that is light enough to allow many repetitions. All the exercises below improve endurance; most improve strength up to a point. Do these exercises below to the times I have given to them.
Drill 11: Muscle Strength
Dynamic strength is what you need if you wish to move a heavy load. Static strength however is the strength you need to push or pull a heavy object, or hold up a heavy weight.
To improve dynamic strength you use a heavier load and a small number of repetitions.
Hold a heavy load stationary to improve static strength, move it to improve dynamic strength. Do these exercises below to the times I have give to them.
Power or explosive strength is what you need for a single explosive act, such as a discus throw or shot put. To improve muscle power you need to move a heavy load very fast. Do exercises from DRILL 12:MUSCLE STRENGTH but try to move the weight faster than before.
Elbow stretch
Stand shoulder width apart and take your left arm, place it across the body. Facing forward take the right arm point it forward making a fist below the left arm. Pull the right arm up and towards the head. If this stretch is completed correctly you should feel a stretching of the top left arm at the front this stretch should be held for 8-10 seconds. Change arms and repeat.
Overhead stretch
Take right arm and place over the back of the head. Place your left arm on top of the right arms elbow. Use left arm to push right arm down the back as far as possible. If this stretch is completed properly you should feel a stretching sensation down the top back of your right arm this stretch should be held for 8-10 seconds. Change arms and repeat.
Head stretch
Take right hand and place the palm on the right of the head. Push the head to the right while offering resistance with the right hand. Do this on the front, back, left and right hand sides of your head. Using the left hand for the left side of your head, both hands for the front and back of your head and right hand for the right side of your head. This stretch should be held for 8-10 seconds.
After all stretches shake of the part of the body that has been stretched to loosen it up. To shake off the muscle that has been stretched simply take that limb and wiggle/shake it about.
REMEMBER: all warm up and cool downs must include these stretches and anything else required that is written on this section of the training program.