(i) Disunity among PKI leaders, as there was no common agreement and aims for the 1926 rebellion, and lack of unity, which also led to the failure of rebellion. The Dutch response showed its effectiveness when it suppressed the rebellion which outlawed the PKI.
- As for Thakins, there was rivalry among Burmese leaders. Freedom Bloc protested against U Pu and organized strikes in 1940 which saw the arrest of Ba Maw and the escape of Aung San. U Saw rose to power against Ba Maw’s govt and repressed Thakins.
Evaluation: Disunity within the ranks of various nationalist parties saw the fall of various nationalist movements as the leaders of the movements could not reach a compromise with each other.
TS: Another reason for the failure of SE Asian nationalism was the over reliance of its members on its leader. Several radical nationalist movements crumpled after the Colonial governments arrested their leaders.
(i) Saya San Rebellion, led by Saya San himself, lasted for two years from 1930 to mid-1932. The rebellion ended with Saya San’s execution. It showed the effectiveness of the British response using the “applying the stick” method, which put the movement to rest.
- Sukarno was a leader of the PNI who was charismatic and had excellent oratorical skills. The Dutch imprisoned Sukarno in 1929 and this caused the nationalist movement to integrate by the 1930s. The removal of the key leader most effectively crippled the nationalist movement.
Evaluation: The colonial powers managed to cripple various movements and segregated the party by removing the key figures and leaders. This was a success on the Colonial power’s part.
TS: There was however some hope in SE Asian nationalism despite its massive failure.
(i) There was limited, but surely, political reform in Burma. For example, the Burma Constitution established in 1935. Three Burmese Cabinets were formed, but Governor could not veto any decision made by the Burmese and the Burmese ministers were increasingly allowed to make decisions relating to Burma’s society and economy.
- SE Asian nationalism saw the formation of intangible aims like raising political consciousness of the people. For instance, rallies of SI, PNI and the Pongyis were large affairs that commanded mass following, which managed to appeal to the natives at the same time raise political awareness about their national identity and instill anti-colonial feelings in the natives.
Evaluation: Despite the many failures that SE Asia nationalism had, there were a few small successes though they were still mostly under the control of the colonial powers but these were small steps that helped nations inched towards independence.
SE Asian nationalism was indeed largely a failure due to the disunity within the ranks of various nationalist groups and the response of the Colonial powers with regards to the nationalist movements and rebellions which were poorly organized by these nationalist parties. The colonial response towards the nationalist activities were also well targeted in removing key figures and thus caused the various parties to break up and eventually die out. However despite the major failures SE Asian nationalism faced, it was a turning point for the people in SE Asia as it brought to light issues about independence and being a nation which would have never been realized by the SE Asian people without nationalism. There is no doubt that was largely a failure, as it did not accomplish the goal of independence from the colonial powers.