A Critical Examination of the Sexual Life of Man In Sigmund Freud.

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        It is a word that rings a bell, it penetrates all cultures and overwhelms all humanity. It means many things to many people; to some, it is sacred and should be treated with respect. To others, it is pleasurable and should be lured to without repression; expressed it is worded “human sexuality”.

Reiterating the central place which sexuality occupied in the life of man, Dietrich writers:


                Sex … as contrasted with other departments of bodily

                Experience is essentially deep. Every manifestation

of sex produces an effect which transcends the physical

sphere and in a fashion quite unlike the other bodily

 desires involves the soul  deeply in its passion …

(Dietrich, 1935:12-14)

There is a crusade carried out to give sexual enlightenment to the youths and those who are ignorant of this all important and integral aspect of man. In this crusade some inquisitive minds may come in contact with some erroneous opinions that – claims to be authority on the subject. Therefore our concern here is to expose and criticize some of these erroneous opinions on human sexuality; so as to prevent frail, emotional and gullible minds against easy assimilation of such misgivings especially when it is not compatible with the injunctions of moral standards. One of such erroneous doctrines was postulated by Sigmund Freud, who is our cynosure in this work. Sigmund Freud extended the meaning of sexuality to include early childhood sucking for nourishment and evacuation of the content of the bowel. Consequently, he constructed the doctrine of psychosexual development, which is summarized as aiming at the libido.

        Another intriguing area is his description of instinct as a constant force from within which seeks after pleasure and cannot be controlled by the nervous system. For him then, there is no reason why sexual satisfaction should be repressed because of moral principles since it does not cause pain but pleasure. The acme of his whole doctrine of the libido is that he considered man as a libidinal being. He also conceived the spiritual activities as being rooted in instincts. The gross reduction of man to the instinctive level is precisely the point of concern in this work


        Within the panorama of rational analysis as well as the biological framework of man and his psychological responsiveness, it is expedient to say without qualms of conscience that man is a sexual being. Therefore the ambiguous interrogative remains: when and how is sexual expression permissible to man? So, contrary to the age-long view that sexuality develops only at puberty, Freud identifies that sexuality has its arche from the earliest days of infancy and only undergoes transformation at puberty. For Freud, man is a being unto sex. All the nature of human activities and desires from cradle to the grave are directly or indirectly traceable to his sexual nature. Elucidating the veracity of this inborn infantile sexual pleasure, David said:

Parents in some culture are well aware of the

 pleasure the babies receive from sexual

gratification and will occasionally use genital

stimulation as a means of soothing a fussy or

 distressed infant

                           (Shaffer, 1989:496)


        That man is a sexual being is utterly factual and indisputable. But does this reduce man to a merely libidinal being? Hence a sexologist – Theodore Reik defines sex as a biological function that aims at the release of physical tension. If human persons artificially exclude life from the sexual act they are not expressing love, they are only having sex. Since human love is to mirror God’s love, our sexual act (power), and the physical means by which love is expressed is life giving.

These implications of sexuality have remained a mind-boggling debate on the subject of sexuality.


        The increasing rate at which modern man has abused his sexual power, which is an all-embracing gift from God, is quite alarming. We are living in an over-sexed age, modern man view everything through the spectacle of sex. He lives by bed alone; “the sexier the better”. Hence, the purpose of this study is to re-state the damaged status of man’s sexual life. It also endeavours to see the excesses of Freudian tenets and considers a healthy appropriation of his psychosexual development vis-à-vis healthy and moral sexual life. Finally, it will debunk and bring to light that genital sex is not the primary language or ultimate proof of love. Thus Burchaell (1985:33) writers;

There may be many people who one loves profoundly

 yet without  sexual expression. Sex is not the only

 expression of love, nor the necessary one. It is

 not even the greatest.


        This work will critically expose the basics of psychosexual development of man in the light of Sigmund Freud. It will attempt to discuss sexual behaviour and variation in sexual expressions.

1.5        METHPDOLOGY

        In this work we shall employ the methods of expository cum evaluative. An attempt will be made to carry out probity into the nature and place of sex in human life. Nonetheless, we shall conclude this segment by contextual explication of terms as used.  Chapter two x-rays the view of some great minds on the subject. In chapter three, we shall discuss the profundity and fundamental thrust of Freud’s sexual development. Chapter four will highlight and juxtapose variation in sexual  expression; and chapter five will give an evaluative synthesis and synchronize the entire idea.


1.6.1        MAN

        Our concept ‘man’ refers to human being generally including male and female . It will be used interchangeable with human beings. It will also connote human persons. The human being is specie of the genus ‘animal’ but differentiated from other animals by its rationality. The human being is a composition of mind, body, soul and intellect.

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        Personhood is a psychological concept which describes the nature of human being as possessing consciousness, desires, intentions, memories and so on.

1.6.2        HUMAN SEXUALITY

        Describing human sexuality, the Congregation for the doctrine of faith says that, the human person is so profoundly affected by sexuality that it must be considered as one of the factors which give to each individual’s life the principal traits that distinguish it. In fact, it is from sex that the human person receives the characteristics which on the biological, psychological and spiritual levels make the person a man or woman.


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