The effects of Day Care

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A large proportion of preschool children now spend part of their week in day care, with many consequences for the child. Examine the truth of this statement.

Emily Ashford

Day care is often seen as a modern day norm so that parents can go back to work or so that they can have a rest for one or more days a week. Bowlby’s maternal deprivation hypothesis states that deprivation of attachment during a critical period of development would result in permanent damage.

        There are factors of day care which are important to development, stimulation, which affects cognitive development, attachments to substitute caregivers, affects cognitive, emotional and social development; also, interaction with other peers affects social development.

        Bus and van Ijzendoorn (1988) believed that day care may harm cognitive development because of bond disruption between caregiver and child. They found that children who were securely attached at age 2 showed more interest in written material three years later than insecurely attached children, regardless of their intelligence. Tizard (1979) also found that conversations between mother and child were more complex than those held between child and carers in day care. This is partly because of the need to divide attention between a number of children at day care.

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        On the other hand it has been shown that day care may boost cognitive development.  Broberg (1997) compared Swedish children in nursery care with those looked after by a childminder, or remained at home. When these children were assessed at the age of 8, the children who had been to day care were consistently better than other groups on tests of verbal and mathematical ability.

        The impact on emotional development is would be perhaps the most concerning to a parent so its encouraging the majority of studies on emotional development in day care suggest it has no ill affects. ...

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