Describe the teachings about the sanctity of life according to Christianity and Islam.

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1.  Describe the teachings about the sanctity of life according to Christianity and Islam.

The word sanctity literally means sacred, special or precious.  The phrase ‘sanctity of life’ is the concept that human life is extra-special and precious, and should be protected in every possible way.

According to the teachings of Christianity, all life belongs to God.  As we can see in the Christian story of creation (Genesis), God created the first man, Adam, and then created the first woman, Eve.

“Then the lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it, he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live.” (Genesis 1:27)

Christians believe that God, as the creator of all, is the only one who has the right to take or give human life in any circumstance.

“The lord kills and restores to life, he sends people to the world of dead and brings them back again.” (I Samuel 2:6)

In many sections of the bible, we can see Jesus performing miracles to help people.  This supports the idea that not only human life itself is precious, but also the quality of human life is also very important in the eyes of God and his son, Jesus.

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Throughout the bible there are several demonstrations of human life being protected by Jesus.  An example of this is where Jesus stops a woman who has committed adultery from being stoned to death.  This implies that although the woman has actually sinned by breaking one of the Ten Commandments, he still values her life to the extent where he is willing to persuade people to spare her.  Such actions can only support the Christian idea that life belongs to God and no other human has the right to take a life.

Despite the obvious inclination towards the protection ...

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