Explain how this teaching on discipleship might affect the everyday lives of Christian believers today? All Christians are individuals and have free will given to them by God. Each Christian
Religion coursework
Explain how this teaching on discipleship might affect the everyday lives of Christian believers today?
All Christians are individuals and have free will given to them by God. Each Christian will differ in the way they interpret Jesus' teaching. The way each Christians interprets Jesus' teaching will affect their lives and the way they live it in different ways, if they truly a Christian and therefore there will not be one big united group.
Jesus' call "Follow me and I will make you into fishers of men." (Mark 1: 16-20) is responded today in many different ways by different Christians. There are still people today who are like the first disciples in that they give up things which literally makes a huge impact on their lives. They make massive sacrifices and give up many things and they also spread the word of God. Not everybody takes the call as literally and not everyone has their vocation like Simon and Andrew in 'The call of the disciples.' Everyone is called to by virtue of their baptism, even though they might not leave everything it still impacts.
Some people such as literalist and fundamentalist Christians will interpret Jesus' teaching in a literal sense. They may feel they have to spread the good news by preaching it, to encourage others to follow Jesus. They may actually give up all they own and only keep what is necessary to survive. They can be compared to the widow in 'The Widow at the Treasury,' "This poor widow has put in more than all who have contributed...they have put in the money they had over, but she from the little she had put in everything she possessed, all she ...
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Some people such as literalist and fundamentalist Christians will interpret Jesus' teaching in a literal sense. They may feel they have to spread the good news by preaching it, to encourage others to follow Jesus. They may actually give up all they own and only keep what is necessary to survive. They can be compared to the widow in 'The Widow at the Treasury,' "This poor widow has put in more than all who have contributed...they have put in the money they had over, but she from the little she had put in everything she possessed, all she had to live on."
Conservative and liberal Christians look for symbolism and the meaning if Jesus' teaching rather than interpreting it literally. They do not think you have to give up everything they have to follow Jesus. The use their wealth to help those less fortunate. They give up their abundance not from their surplus but still believe they can have luxuries in their life as long as they do not loose site of their faith, and whom they follow , "First I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange Gods before me."(The First Commandment)
The mission of the twelve was a call to cast out demons. Obviously this doesn't apply to Christians today, they shouldn't become exorcists, for Christians today it means fighting evil. There are many forms of evil in our world today, such as prejudice, discrimination and injustice, Christians can fight these evils by joining in amnesty campaigns, or local groups e.g. The Breathru centre and community groups promoting integration. Some Christians see abortion as evil, Mother Teresa once said "Abortion is the greatest evil." Some Christians' lives are affected by campaigning against abortion.
Jesus taught the disciples they had to be like children to inherit the Kingdom. This impacts on their lives today in that Christians are obedient and follow Jesus' teaching, today obedience could be things like, not breaking the drinking pledge, not having sex outside marriage, not taking drugs and marriage being live giving. Children do not judge people on their appearance or wealth, Jesus' message is that we must do the same, and should not be prejudice or discriminate against anyone, "Have salt of friendship among you."
Disciples had to make life taste good for others, you can do this by putting the needs of others before you, being selfless, giving up your time to visit the elderly, sick or disabled. A disciple has to "Renounce self," and care for the needs of others and doing Gods work first. Disciples have to serve other people "Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave to all. " How do we as disciples today do this? There are many ways; Voluntary work e.g. SVDP, Charitable contributions, working with people considered as outcasts e.g. Homeless or the sick, giving them dignity; helping them to accept their illness, caring for the whole person as Jesus did.
We are told in Marks Gospel that the disciples were Jesus' closest companions, disciples today also have to fulfil this role. This affects their lives in that they have to spend time talking to Jesus just as they would any friend. They have to follow his examples and develop a strong prayer life like Jesus "Jesus went off into the hills to pray." If disciples damage their relationship with Jesus they have to mend it as they would do to any other friendship, they have say sorry. For many Christians today this can mean attending the sacrament of reconciliation.
Mark shows the disciples wavering in their faith at times in 'The Calming of the Storm and The Epileptic Boy.' Today disciples may find themselves questioning their faith especially in a world of arguing and where there is no evidence of a God. Discipleship means continuing despite this. Disciples must look for evidence of Gods Kingdom on earth and see the God in other people.