Explain what a study of St. Marks Gospel can tell Christians about the nature of discipleship?

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                                                            By Jonny Elworthy 4B

Explain what a study of St. Marks    Gospel can tell Christians about the nature of discipleship?

Explain how this teaching about discipleship might affect the life of a Christian today.

“Children can’t be disciples so they can’t be Christians either.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.

Explain what a study of St. Marks Gospel can tell Christians about the nature of discipleship?

You may wonder what discipleship is. Well Marks gospel tells you all you need to know about them. A Disciple is a person who is a pupil and follower of a teacher. In this instance the teacher is Jesus. The disciple then passes on the teaching of Jesus as Jesus teaches them about God and the ways of life. What some people find strange is that disciples are very ordinary people, from fishermen to tax collectors. Jesus would just go up to these ordinary people who would be getting on with their daily lives and ask them to follow him. The people he asked would just agree and go with him there and then leaving everything behind.

  Being a disciple at the time of Jesus would not be easy. There were many teachers like Jesus who had followers in 1st century Palestine. The disciples would have to be faithful to their teacher and devote themselves to him. The teachers were called Rabbi’s and had students (disciples) who would spread their teachings. The disciples would have to have to learn the Torah (first 5 books of the bible) because all the religious laws were in it. Jesus would expect his disciples to be faithful and do what he taught aswell as giving up all they own to be with Jesus and showing considerable commitment to him. They might be unpopular but he expected them to stay strong and they would get their rewards with eternal life (getting into heaven).

  The main group of disciples were called the 12 apostles but there were many disciples other then these. The 12 apostles (meaning one who is sent) consisted of Jesus’ main three close disciples Simon, Peter and John aswell as 9 others who Jesus considered to be his main followers and most committed and thought of them as the founders of the Christian Church. But apart from this there were about 70 other close disciples and helpers aswell as a group of women who were committed to Jesus. This is important as Jesus had some women followers who were also at the bottom of the cross and did his tomb. This was unique as Rabbi’s would not accept women as disciples. This shows the following:

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Discipleship in Mark’s gospel is open to ALL people women or man, rich or poor. Society at that time was prejudice against women (2nd class) but Jesus treated them equally. Discipleship was also open to outcasts as I said before like Matthew the tax collector.

Also there were disciples who were ordinary people like you and me who varied in commitment. You could just be a Christian and by going to church you are showing that you are following Jesus Christ and God so in that way you are some sort of disciple. So in this way we can do all ...

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