All Christians do not look at these issues in the same way. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that abortion is wrong, and is murder. Mother Theresa has been quoted as saying that, “Abortion is the greatest evil.” She was a very influential person among those of the Catholic faith. In official statements and letters, the Pope, Jean Paul ♊, said, “Life must be protected, from the moment of conception.” Another statement said, “Because it should be treated as a person from the moment of conception, the unborn child must be defended.” This means that for Catholics, all life, from it’s beginning to its eventual end, is very special. Catholics believe that life starts at conception, when the male sperm fuses with the female egg.
The Church teaches that contraception goes against natural life. However, the Church asserts that, rather than being against contraception, it is in favour of other methods. Some forms of artificial contraception are not a hundred percent reliable. Condoms, the most commonly used form of contraception, are estimated to be around sixty-four percent effective.
This is one reason why the Church tries to push a method called “Natural Family Planning.” This method of natural contraception involves taking advantage of the woman’s menstrual cycle, and only engaging in sexual intercourse during her “safe” period. The only argument against this method is that it does not protect against STDs.
Other Christian Churches look at this differently. They believe that contraception is perfectly all right, if practised in the right way. It prevents unwanted pregnancy, children born into poverty, and population explosion. An example of population explosion is China. The Chinese solved their problem with a unique method. They introduced a system where if a family has more than one child, then they do not receive benefits from the government. This has reduced population growth in China dramatically.
Perhaps this shows that in a well-run society, contraception and abortion should not be necessary.