Faced with the issues of abortion and euthanasia, explain the different ways Christians might respond.

Faced with the issues of abortion and euthanasia, explain the different ways Christians might respond.
Some Christians would respond, when faced with the issues of abortion and euthanasia, by totally disagreeing with the concept of both. They would firmly believe that the commandment ‘Do not kill’ applies not only to euthanasia but to the unborn child to, believing that the foetus is a new life, so removing it is murder and also killing a patient is not an accident, as only God should decide when life should be ended.
In 195AD a doctor of the church, Clement of Alexandra said ‘if you have an abortion not only do you kill the embryo but along with it, all human kindness’ also Saint Paul reminds us that God’s Holy Spirit lives in our bodies so we must not harm them as God is in there, just as he was present during Mary’s pregnancy.
It is thought that if a woman is in a crisis pregnancy she can be offered support, compassion and care, which is the duty of the Christian society to provide. Two of these societies are LIFE and CURA, which offer the services of counselling and support. In particular CURA offers advice and acts on the woman’s behalf. While LIFE offers more practical help for example free pregnancy testing. Another society that campaigns against abortion is the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC). They believe that the unborn baby has rights too and provide information about the foetus i.e. that the foetus is in agony as it dies.