When God created Adam, Adam could not manage on his own therfore he went looking for a partner and in all of God's creation he could not find an worthy partner out of all the animals, birds and fish. "It is not good for a man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." This is said in the book of Genesis (2:18). God created a helper to share the responsibilities in the image of his own just as he created Adam. As both were created by God in the same way and in the same image so they both are equal.
I understand why people say that Men and Women are not equal. They change quotes from the bible to suit there story and to provide evidence for their beliefs for example: They say that women are the weaker partner because Eve was the first to sin and that she tried to convince Adam to the same; but there is no part after that quote in the bible that says: "therfore they are the weaker partner". The Bible teaches that man and woman were co-participants in the Fall: Adam was no less sinful than Eve was it's only that Eve was unluckily the first this is said in the book Genesis 3:6 (and in other forms in Rom 5:12-21 & 1 Cor 15:21-22). In the bible it says that all the people that are Jews and non-Jews are the devil meaning that they will sin.
In the Christian family the husband and wife are to consider each other's preferences, desires and problems. Neither of them should seek to dominate the other and to take control, but each of them should consider themselves of a lesser equality to the other in case they start to consider the other as better or worse then themself. They should search for answers through biblical methods rather than by choosing a decision upon the other. If both husband and wife will follow this rule in the Christian home it will help them stand against miss use of power and authority and will protect the home from other issues such as wife and child abuse that sometimes tragically follows after the husband's leadership.
In the book of Genesis it says that Adam was created first and Eve was created later because God beleived that its not good for man to be alone as he needs a companion. '' It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." this is said in the book Genesis (2:18). This is why some Christians believe that women should be the helper of men by being the sterotypiccal wife and staying home and letting the man work.
Now everything is modern women do not beleive that they should stay home and beleive that they are equal to work as much as a man does. "Wives ........... be submissive to your husbands ..........Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner." its says this in Peter (3: 1, 7). They say that women are weaker because Eve was the first to sin and she also encouraged Adam to the same. "Ther is neither ............... male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." its says this in Galations (3:28). Which proves that Men and Women are equal in the eyes of Jesus, who talks all that God has taught him and the beliefs of God. Men and Women were created equally; they were made inn the image of God therefore there is no real difference between them and they both are equal.
Ahmed Ripon