There should be no laws telling Christians what to do on a Sunday? Do you agree? Give Reasons showing that you looked at more than one point of view.

There should be no laws telling Christians what to do on a Sunday? Do you agree? Give Reasons showing that you looked at more than one point of view.
Yes I do agree that there should be no laws telling Christians what to do on a Sunday as in today’s world we do not have time to spend praying to god for long periods of time. There are many arguments for this point and I am going to go through them. Firstly large shops and supermarkets are now open on a Sunday form 1-6 pm. This was a problem when, in 1990, Marks and Spencer started opening on a Sunday and when they get fined for doing this they where able to pay the fine from the money they made on a Sunday. Because of this many other large shops followed them and the law against shops opening on a Sunday became unmanageable.