To what extent is faith a legitimate basis for knowledge claims, in religion and different Areas of Knowledge? For many centuries, the debates about religious beliefs and knowledge claims have a bitter conflict amongst many people

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Jerich Cyrus Sto. Tomas T.O.K. Essay

Word Count: 1236

Some people say that religious beliefs can be neither justified nor refuted by reason. However, while sometimes this claim is used as a reason for rejecting religious beliefs, at other times it is used to conclude that these beliefs are established by faith. To what extent is faith a legitimate basis for knowledge claims, in religion and different Areas of Knowledge?

For many centuries, the debates about religious beliefs and knowledge claims have a bitter conflict amongst many people. It has been a battle yet to be won by even the brightest people in the universe. The Catholic bible states that God created the universe out of nothing which is further explained in Creationism1. But this is greatly contradicted by the fundamental laws of physics which states that matter cannot be created out of nothing. Furthermore, in Buddhism, reincarnation2 is a major conviction for Buddhists but most people ask where the empirical evidence of going back as another form of being is. Millions of people ask if there's a God; if there was none, how can someone explain the beauty of the ocean, the mountains and the sunset. Thus, the saying that reason can either refute or justify religious beliefs is extensively accurate. It is hard to prove or disprove faith through the use of motivation but instead, knowledge, religion and different areas of knowledge can be an accepted basis of our faith.
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Knowledge is the logic, the evidence, the foundation of knowing while faith is the trust or belief in the power greater than us, a strong religious conviction; our sense of accountability. Faith is a very influential basis of our ways of knowing. There may be no evidence of God's existence yet men have developed a special conviction that God exists. These people say this because God is omnipotent3 and omniscient4, there is no need for evidence or proof of his existence. We must truly accept his superior nature.

Although faith is a great foundation for our ways ...

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