
The Teen Health Dictionary defines the word "abortion" as "the termination of pregnancy during its early stages." (Isler and Lohall 17) The act of abortion is not the sterilized word that appears on this paper, it represents many more problems and difficult situations. After the year 1973, the act of abortion was legalized in some countries of the world and since then there have been about 21,000 deaths due to abortion (Nathonson). Abortion should be illegal in the countries of the world. In hypothetical situations, such as a rape or a miscarriage, abortion could be considered depending on the situation of a woman. Governments of the world should consider the act of abortion in hypothetical situations, and this doesn't mean it is accepted for every woman who decides to terminate with pregnancy.

Abortion is not right at all because of the cruel techniques that are performed to terminate with the life of a fetus. There are many ways of terminating a pregnancy. In the method called "suction," the abortionist first paralyzes the cervix. He then inserts an empty plastic tube with a knife-like tip into the uterus. The tube is connected to a powerful pump with a suction force more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner. The procedure tears the baby's body into pieces. The pieces of the fetus are suctioned into a bottle (Willke). In the salt poisoning abortion, the doctor inserts a strong salt solution into the amniotic sac. The fetus will breathe and swallow this solution and convulse until it is dead. The baby will come out of the woman's body one or two days later either dead or alive. Sometimes, this solution will burn the baby's skin and the baby will end up red and all burned up after it has left its mother's body (Willke). The RU-486 abortion, or the emergency pill, is a drug which women will take after missing their period (Willke). The drug will block the hormonal nutrition of the fetus, which will then die and come out of the body of its mother. There is one type of abortion in which the mother's abdomen is opened, and the baby is taken out of the body. The body is relatively alive when it is taken out of the mother's body, and the doctor kills it by either drowning it or suffocate them with placentas (Willke). In the D&E abortion (dilation and evacuation), the mother's cervix is dilated. Then, the doctor will introduce tweezers through the woman's vagina, grab a leg, twist it, and then tears it off. The doctor will continue doing this with each skeletal body part, until the whole baby is taken out of the mother's body (Willke). All in all abortion is wrong because the techniques to terminate a pregnancy are very cruel.

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Abortion is dangerous to the body of a woman who has aborted. The physical effects of abortion really depend on the benignity or malignity of the way a woman has aborted (A List of Major Physical Sequelae Related to Abortion). In many cases, abortion may cause the death of the mother. Some of the causes of death after an abortion may be hemorrhage, infection, embolism, and undiagnosed entopic pregnancies. A woman may also develop breast, ovarian, liver, and cervical cancer in her body (A List of Major Physical Sequelae Related to Abortion). The major complications include excessive bleeding, infections, ripping ...

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