What is involved in pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is when a person goes on a journey to a sacred place in which they seek to become spiritually enlightened. As something may have happened which is still relevant to today. Pilgrimages have been around before the time of Christ for example Moses and his journey to the sacred land.

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There are different types of pilgrimage such as, Christians believe that if they go on a pilgrimage they can become one with god and bond with him. Also this can lead to spiritual enlightenment. Also people go with friends for support or to help others, which is also a type of pilgrimage.

The Lourdes story begins in 1858, when a poor 14-year-old French girl saw a ghostly woman in white, in a shallow cave near the town. Over a month, Bernadette saw the woman eight times. The vision said she was the Virgin Mary, she said she wanted ...

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