An experiment to investigate the water potential of potato cells.

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An Experiment to Investigate the Water Potential of Potato Cells


I aim to investigate osmosis through a selectively permeable membrane, which in this case will be potato cells.  I will do this, by placing pieces of potato in different concentrations of sugar solution, measuring the changes in mass.


I predict that the potato cells will have a higher water potential, so will gain water in the high sugar solution. It shall lose water in the more dilute solutions by osmosis. At some point, the potatoes will not lose or gain in mass, as the solution at this point will have the same water potential as the cells, so the mass will not change. Even if this doesn’t happen in my experiment, I can estimate the point using my line of best fit in my results chart. I know that potatoes store starch which is insoluble in water. this will make the cells lose water in the higher sugar, low water potential solutions, and become plasmolysed.


Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi permeable membrane, also separating solutions of different concentrations. The water particles passes from where there is a high concentration or ‘potential’ to a region with low concentration. This occurs until both areas are equal in potential (concentration).

Water molecule

Sugar molecule

Semi-permeable Membrane

Flow of Water

Many cell membranes behave as semi permeable membranes (ie. Allow certain sized particles such as water to pass through) and osmosis is a vital mechanism in the transport of fluids in living organisms. An example of this is the transportation of water in root hair cells of a plant.

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Potatoes are an excellent source of carbohydrate in the form of starch.  Potatoes store food as starch, as it is insoluble, and doesn’t draw in water by osmosis.  Because potatoes store starch, not polysaccharides, which are soluble in water, potatoes have a high water potential.

Plant cells, unlike animal cells, have a strong cell wall made of cellulose, in addition to a cell membrane, which means that when they take up or loose water by osmosis, they do not burst or shrivel up.

Plant Cells in dilute, equal and concentrated solutions:


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