An in Investigation into the Resistance of a Wire.

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Shee Wah Wan

An in Investigation into the Resistance of a Wire

Aim: To investigate the factors affecting resistance

There are four main factors which affects the resistance and they are:

  • The material
  • The cross-sectional area (thickness)
  • The length
  • The temperature

But in this investigation I am only going to investigate in the factors length and cross sectional area

Background Information

Electricity cannot be seen but you can see the effect electricity has. It can:

  • Make things hot-as in the heating element of an electric fire
  • Make things magnetic-as in an electromagnet
  • Produce light-as in a light bulb
  • Break down certain compounds and solution-as in electrolysis

In a nutshell, electricity is very good at transferring energy.  To understand this, a simple model of what happens in electrical circuits can help.

         If an electrical circuit is made using a battery and a lamp, the battery can be thought of as pushing electrical charge round the circuit to make a current.   The battery also transfers energy to the electrical charge.  The voltage of the battery is a measure of how much ‘push’ it can provide and how much energy it can transfer to the charge.

        Scientists now know that electric current is really a flow of electrons.  The electrons actually flow around the circuit from negative to positive.  Unfortunately, although early scientists knew that there must be a flow of charge in a circuit, they guessed the direction of the flow incorrectly.  Consequently all diagrams were drawn showing the current flowing from positive to negative.  Surprisingly this way of showing the current has not been changed and so the conventional current that everyone uses gives the direction that positive charges would have flown.

        Electric charge is measured in coulombs (C).  Electric current is measured in amperes.  The electric current is the amount of charge flowing every second that is the number of coulombs per second:


I = current in amperes (A)

Q = charge in coulombs (C)

t = time in seconds (s)

The charge flowing around a circuit has some potential energy.  When the charge flows through a lamp it transfers some of its energy to the lamp.

        There are two different ways of connecting two lamps to the same battery.  Two very different kinds of circuit can be made.  These circuits are called series and parallel circuits.


As the charge flows around a circuit it transfers energy to the various components in the circuit.  The amount of energy that a unit of charge (a coulomb) transfers between one point and another (the number of joules per coulomb) is called the potential difference (p.d.).  Potential difference is measured in volts and so it is often referred to as the voltage:


V = potential difference in volts

J = energy transferred in joules

Q = charge in coulombs

Potential difference is measured using a voltmeter.  To measure the p.d across a component then the voltmeter must be connected in parallel to that component.  Testing with a voltmeter does not interfere with the circuit at all.

        A voltmeter can be used to show how the potential difference varies in different parts of a circuit.  In a series circuit you get different values of the voltage depending on where you attach the voltmeter.  The energy can be assume that it is only transferred when the current passes through electrical components such as lamps and motors- the energy transfer as the current flows through copper connecting wire is very small.  It is only possible therefore to measure a potential difference or voltage across a component.  The current flowing in a circuit can be measured using an ammeter.  To measure the current flowing through a particular component, such as a lamp or motor, the ammeter must be connected in series with the component.  In a series circuit the current is the same no matter where the ammeter is put.  This is not the case with a parallel circuit though.

        A battery produces a steady current.  The electrons are constantly flowing from negative terminal of the battery round the circuit and back to the positive terminal.  This produces a direct current (d.c).  The mains electricity used in the home is quite different.  The electrons in the circuit move backwards and forwards.  This kind of current is called alternating current (a.c).  Mains electricity moves forwards and backwards 50 times each second, that is with a frequency of 50hertz (Hz).

        The advantage of using an a.c source of electricity rather than d.c source is that it can be transmitted from power stations to the home at very high voltages which reduces the amount of energy that is lost in the overhead cables.

        Resistance is a force which opposes the flow of an electric current around a circuit so that energy is required to push the charged particles around the circuit.  The circuit itself can resist the flow of particles if the wires are either very thin or very long.  E.g. the filament across an electric light bulb.

        Ohm’s Law gives the relationship between voltage, current and resistance in electric circuits:



V = voltage in volts (V)

I = current in amps (A)

R = resistance in Ohms (Ω)

         Substances which allow an electric current to flow through them are called conductors.  Those which do not are called insulators.  Metals behave as conductors because of their structure.  In a metal the metal atom releases their outermost electrons to form an ‘electron cloud’ throughout the whole structure.  In other words the atoms in a metal exist as ions surrounded by an electrons in this cloud.  If a potential difference is applied to the metal, the electrons in this cloud are able to move.  So they start to collide with the metal ions in the wire which will cause resistance.

In a metal structure metal ions are surrounded by a cloud or ‘sea’ of electrons

                                                                                      Metal atoms (positive ions)

                                                                                      ‘sea’ of electrons holds the  

                                                                                          metal atoms together

Some conductors are better than other is.  Copper is a better conductor than iron.  When the electrons are moving through the metal structure they collide into the metal ions and this causes resistance to the electron flow or current.  In different conductors the ease of flow of the electrons is different and so the conductors have different resistance.

        For a particular conductor the resistance will depend on its length and cross-sectional area (thickness).  The longer the conductor, the further the electrons have to travel, the more likely they are to have collisions with the metal ions and so the greater the resistance.  Resistance is proportional to the length.  The greater the cross-sectional area (thickness) of the conductor, the more electrons available to carry the charge along the conductor’s length and so the lower the resistance is.  Resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area (thickness).

The amount of current flowing through a circuit can be controlled by changing the resistance of the circuit.  This can be done with a variable resistor or rheostat.  Adjusting the rheostat changes the length of the wire that the current has to flow through.    

The type of material will also make a difference in the resistance because the electrons have to pass through the material and there are also different amount of electrons around the particles.  These electrons find it easier to pass through some materials than other material.  For example I know that nichrome wire has a higher resistance than a copper does because I know that electrons have to squeeze together more or collide with each other in order to be able to pass through nichrome wire than they do in order to pass through copper wire.  So as the electrons collide into each other more when they are squeezed together, the higher the resistance is.

The length of the wire also makes a difference to the resistance because if you have a long wire, the electrons have to squeeze together or collide with the other metal ions for longer.  To be able to pass through the wire than they do in order to pass a short wire.  So the longer the wire, the greater the resistance is.

The cross sectional area (thickness) also affects the resistance because if you have a thin wire and a thick wire the thin wire would be half of the thick wire.  This is because if the cross-sectional area (thickness) of the wire doubles there will be twice as many ions and twice as many electrons are colliding into them, but also twice as many electrons getting through twice as many gaps.  If there are twice as many electrons getting through, then there is twice the current because there are twice as many electrons available to carry the charge.  So the resistance must have halved.

        There is a formula which you can work out the resistance of the cross-sectional area (thickness) and the length and that is:


R= resistance in wire (Ω)

V= voltage in volts (V)

I= current in amps (A)

If the resistance of a conductor remains constant then a graph showing voltage plotted against current will give a straight line.  The gradient of the line will be the resistance of the conductors.  However, the resistance of most conductors changes if the temperature of the conductor changes.  This can be explained better using the simple a model of a conductor.  As the temperature increases the metal ions vibrate more and therefore provide a greater resistance to the flow of the electrons.  The resistance of a filament lamp becomes greater as the voltage is increased and the lamp gets hotter which causes more resistance.

In an ‘ohmic’ resistor; such as carbon, Ohm’s law applies and the voltage is directly proportional to the current-a straight line is obtained.  In a filament lamp, Ohm’s law is not obeyed because the heating of the lamp changes its resistance.


        In some substances, increasing the temperature actually lowers the resistance.  This is the case with semiconductors such as silicon.  Silicon has a few free electrons and so behaves more like an insulator than a conductor.  But if silicon is heated, more electrons are removed from the outer electron shells of the atoms producing an increased electron cloud.  The released electrons can move throughout the structure creating an electric current.  This effect is large enough to outweigh the increase in resistance that might be expected from the increased movement of the silicon ions in the structure as the temperature increases.

        Semi conducting silicon is used to make thermistors, which are used as temperature sensors, and light dependent resistors (LDRs), which are used as light sensors.  In LDRs it is light energy that removes electrons from the silicon atoms, increasing the electron cloud.  Silicon diodes also use resistance as a means of controlling current flow in a circuit.  In one direction the resistance is very high, effectively preventing current flow, in the other direction the resistance is relatively low and the current can flow.  Diodes are used to protect sensitive electronic equipment that would be damaged if a current flowed in the wrong direction.

        The resistance of a uniform conductor depends on the length, the area of cross-section and the type of material.

  • The longer the length of a conductor, the greater its resistance is.
  • The narrower a conductor is, the greater the resistance is.
  • Metals conduct much better than non-metals. Copper is the best conductor.

Resistance of a uniform conductor is

  1. Proportional to its length,
  2. Inversely proportional to its area of cross-section.

In other words, its resistance = constant x length

                                             Area of cross-section

The constant depends on the type of material and is referred to as the resistivity of the material.  The unit of resistivity is the ohm metre (Ωm). the symbol for resistivity is the Greek letter p, pronounced ‘rho’.  If the resistivity of a material is known, the resistance of a given length of material is known area of cross-section can be calculated.      

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Ohms law actually states that if the cross-sectional of the wire is uniform then the resistance is proportional to the length (if you double one, you double the other) and inversely proportional to the area of the cross section (if you double the cross sectional area, you halve the resistance).

Ohm’s law states that:

V= I*R



V= voltage applied in volts (V)

I= current in amperes (A)

R= resistance of the circuit (Ω)

The resistance of a wire will depend on it shape and size.  The longer the wire is the greater the resistance ...

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