An Investigation into the Burning of Fuels

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James Robertson 11S

An Investigation into the Burning of Fuels

A fuel is a resource that, when burned, can produce energy. The energy released can be measured by the fuel heating some water. Then the energy can be calculated using the following formula:

        E = MCΔT

Where  E = energy released

        M = mass of material heated

        C = specific heat capacity

        ΔT = temperature change

The material burned will have to be weighed before and after it is burned to find the mass of material burned. For the fuel I will be using different alcohol, this is because it is a liquid (which makes it easier), an efficient fuel and can be used in a spirit burner.


Fair Test:

        Fix: amount of water, distance from the wick and the water, time taken to heat the water

        Change: fuel used

        Measure: temperature rise, mass of fuel burnt


Goggles, clamp and stand, conical flask, spirit burner, methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, tray, bunsen burner, splint, measuring cylinder, balance, ruler, stopwatch.


The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram. The spirit burner with methanol in it was weighed using the balance. 100ml of water was measured using the measuring cylinder and was then put in the conical flask. The conical flask was clamped on to the stand, the conical flask was not put on a tripod because then the tripod would heat up which would affect the results. a conical flask was used instead of a beaker because a beaker will have a lot of evaporation. The temperature of the water was recorded using a thermometer. The spirit burner was lit from a splint, when the spirit burner was lit the stopwatch was started. After two minutes the spirit burner was put out and the temperature was recorded. The spirit burner was weighed again. The experiment was repeated twice so that an average can be taken making the results more accurate.

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The experiments were done again but changing the alcohol being burned to ethanol, propanol and then butanol last because it created a lot of soot. Goggles were worn throughout the experiments.

Preliminary experiments:

I did some preliminary experiments to decide on the distance from the spirit burner wick and the conical flask, the volume of water in the conical flask and the time taken to burn the fuel.

Preliminary results:

I have decided to keep the distance from the wick and the conical flask at 10cm because at 15cm away the temperature rise was too small and at ...

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