Biology Coursework - Osmosis

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Investigation Planning.

What are you planning to investigate?

        I am planning to investigate how solutions of different molarities of sodium chloride affect a potatoes tissue in size and mass and to explain why and how this happens.

Variable Factors, which may affect investigation:

  • Length
  • Area
  • Shape
  • Mass
  • Temperature

Which variables are you going to change?

        I hope to use three variables, independent, dependant and fixed variables. These should help me to keep the experiment a fair test, see each result properly and be able to thoroughly explain the results.

        My independent variable will be the solutions. I am going to use 6 different solutions of different molarities in order to see how results change depending on it. I will use solutions of 0M, 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M and 1M or sodium chloride solution.

        I will have two dependant variables; these will be the length and mass of the potatoes. I will measure the length of each piece of potato before they are placed in the solutions and I will weigh them to get the total of the three pieces in each dish. After a period of time I will then come back and take the same results before comparing the two sets of data.

        My fixed variables will be the initial length of the pieces of potato, the time they are in the solution and the amount of solution in each dish. I will use the same potato for all the pieces as some potatoes may have different water levels to start with; I will use the same size borer for each piece and will cut them to the same length.

        Hopefully these variables will help me to keep the experiment constant and fair giving me reliable results which will help me to draw accurate conclusions from the investigation.

What do you predict will happen in your experiment?

        I already know that osmosis is the passage of water molecules from a weaker solution into a stronger solution, through a partially permeable membrane. Therefore in this case the tiny holes in the membrane of the potatoes will allow the water molecules to pass through in and out of the solution and the potato, depending on the concentration gradient of the two substances. I predict that when the water concentration is lower in the tissue, the water will go inside the tissue of the potato, and the potato will gain mass. If there is very little different in the two water concentrations, there shouldn't be such a big change in mass. Also if there is a higher concentration of water in the potato, then the water will go out of the potato and into the liquid solution.

With the potato in 0.2 molar solutions of sodium chloride. I don't think there will be much change in the weight of the potato. This is because there isn't much difference between the two substances molarity. I believe that the weight and the size of the potato won't be altered much.

The 0.4 molar solutions of salt, similar to the 0.2 molar solution of salt, compared to the potato, both substances have very close concentration gradients. And that is why I am predicting that the weight of the potato in this experiment should be decreased by only a fraction more than that in 0.2M.

The 0.6 molar solution of sodium chloride, I think, should make a big difference now, noting that it should be a large difference between the two concentration gradients. And therefore the weight should decrease by not too much, but still noticeably.

The difference between the water concentration in the potato and the 0.8 molar solution of salt is big, and the water in the potato should be transferred from the potato, through the permeable membrane, to the solution surrounding the potato. As a result, I am sure that the weight of the potato will increase largely. This is because the potato tissues are surrounded by a stronger solution and it will probably become smaller, and shrink.

GCSE Biology Coursework.



I am planning to investigate the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride solution (between 0 and 1 Molar) on potato tissue.


In order to gain results I will have to use variables of one experiment to give an array of results, which I can then compare. I thought about the different factors in the experiment, which I could vary, they were as follows:

  • Length
  • Area
  • Shape
  • Mass
  • Temperature.

All of these variables could provide me with an array of results, which would be relevant to the investigation title. However I think that some of the listed variables would provide better, more accurate results than others, mostly because they would be easier to measure. I have therefore decided that the variables I will use will be the length and mass of the potato tissue. The initial starting length and diameter of the potato tubes was 3cm long, with a diameter of size 5 borer, which was 5mm. I will use three pieces of potato in each petri dish of each solution in order to give more reliable results. For each petri dish I will use 50ml of solution in order to keep it a fair test.

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Pilot Test:

I decided that before I carried out my investigation, it would be worthwhile doing a pilot test to get a rough idea of the results I might find, in order to help me create a hypothesis before I do my actual investigation.

For my pilot test, I used 33mm of potato. I carefully cut it to 33mm and weighed to around 1g, however I wasn’t too picky with accuracy, as it was only a pilot.  I used 15mls of calcium carbonate solution- this was the amount needed to cover one piece of potato.

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*** A well carried out experiment in the laboratory with a good deal of detailed scientific knowledge in the report Planning The report needed more care in the planning stage where there is a lot of confusion over the chemical being used. It needs to be much clearer in the identification of the key variables and how each is controlled. A good prediction of the expected results backed up the right amount of theory. Obtaining Evidence The experiment seems to have been carried out well with a good range and a reasonable number of replicates. Headings on tables need more detail. Analysing results It would have been good to see the plotted graph. A pattern was identified and explained well. Evaluation This needed a few more suggestions as to how the method could be improved or extended. Only a few sources of possible errors have been identified.