Cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system

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Cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system

The cardiovascular system, also known as the circulatory system uses the blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and then takes the waste products from them. The cardiovascular system contains – the heart which is a muscle that acts like a pump to keep blood moving, the arteries which carry blood from the heart, the veins which carry blood into the heart and the capillaries which are tiny vessels that are near the body cells.

The cardiovascular system carries oxygenated blood on the right of the diagram and deoxygenated blood on the left.

. Respiration is a chemical equation of the breakdown of glucose and oxygen to release the waste products carbon dioxide and water. Breathing is not respiration; breathing is ventilation which is the way that air gets into and out of the lungs. Breathing in is known as inspiration and breathing out is known as expiration.

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The human respiratory system contains – trachea which is the windpipe that starts at the nose and mouth to the bronchi. Bronchus which is a tube that comes from the trachea to the lungs. The lungs have the gas exchange surfaces, bronchiole which is smaller tubes which are inside the lungs and come from the bronchus to the alveoli. The alveoli are tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles and this is where gas exchange occurs. Ribs which give a moveable cage and to protect the lungs, the intercostals muscle is what helps the ribcage tpo change volume. ...

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