The effects of exercise on the cardiovascular and respiratory system

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The effects of exercise on the cardiovascular and respiratory system

Exercise uses up a lot of energy, which the cells derive from oxidizing glucose. Both glucose and oxygen have to be delivered by the blood. This means that the heart has to work harder to pump more blood through the body. This means it has to beat faster in order to achieve a higher throughput.

The cardiovascular system responds to exercise by increasing the activity level. The adrenal gland increases the production of the hormones adrenaline and nor adrenaline. These have direct effects on the heart. These hormones cause an increase in the heart rate and the force with which the heart contracts each beat.

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This increases the total amount of blood that is circulated in the body every minute. That increase in blood circulation is required to meet the increased demand for nitutrients and oxygen that the muscles and other tissure require during exercise or for that matter during any time that the metacbolic demand on the body is high.

The blood vessels in non essential places places in the body also constrict during exercise and this provides extra blood volume for more essential organs such as the heart lungs and the brain.

The lungs also play an important part ...

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