Experiment to find the relationship between the size of the surface area to volume ratio of a container and the rate heat is lost
Biology Sc1: Planning
- I am investigating the relationship between heat loss and surface area to volume ratio. The variable I am testing is the surface area to volume ratio by measuring the heat loss of hot water from different sized containers and therefore different surface area to volume ratios. I will investigate the rate of heat loss in the different containers using a thermometer, to test the hypothesis stated below.
- The variables: the size of the container, the source of the water, the starting temperature of the water, the room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the shape of the container, the thickness of the glass, the capacity of the container, whether the container has an open top or a bottle neck.
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This piece of work is 3 stars because it is firstly incomplete and secondly there are improvements to be made to the method if the results are to be fair. Overall good scientific knowledge in the planning and good knowledge of the variables to control, change and measure. The experiment carried out is not going to answer the exact questions about the effect of SA:Vol ratio on rate of heat loss as they have not mentioned how they will measure this exactly but they will get a set of results about heat loss and volumes/size/shape of the container. They must only change one variable eg the volume, the shapes or the surface area. I recommend doing this with same volumes of 200ml liquid at the same starting temperature but in different shaped containers or different size containers. This experiment changed the volume and size and shape in each stage and in turn did not make this a fair test.