'How does the concentration of Sodium thiosulphate solution affect the rate of its reaction with hydrochloric acid?'

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'How does the concentration of Sodium thiosulphate solution affect the rate of its reaction with hydrochloric acid?'

The aim of my experiment is to investigate how the concentration of Sodium thiosulphate solution affects the rate of its reaction with hydrochloric acid. I am going add water to the sodium thiosulphate solution to weaken the concentration so I can see how it can affect the rate of reaction. I shall add water as that is the only way I can find out how concentration affects the rate of reaction as I cannot increase concentration from 1M upwards as I do not have the resources available to use.


I predict that when I add more water to the sodium thiosulphate solution, the time it takes for the dot on the beaker to disappear will lengthen. I predict this because, for particles to react they must collide with each other. If there is a higher concentration of sodium thiosulphate particles in a given volume there is a higher chance of the particles colliding together succesfully and reacting. This is because they are so close together. If you weaken the solution, (so there is a much lower concentration of sodium thiosulphate particles to react with the hydrochloric acid,) then there is less chance of the particles colliding succesfully and reacting as there are less particles in the given volume, so the reaction time will slowly lengthen as the concentration goes down.

My graphs should hopefully look like this.


Factors to control

I shall have to control as many aspects of the experiment as possible, to make it a fair test.

I shall make sure the total volume of the solution stays the same. I shall do this by reducing the volume of sodium thiosulphate as I add water, the total volume of the sodium thiosulphate solution and water will be 30cm3. An example would be having 20cm3 of sodium thiosulphate and having 10cm3 of water, added together their volume is 30cm3 and I shal also keep the volume of hydrochloric acid used the same as well.

I shall do this because if I did not then the total volume would go up and I would not get reliable results for the investigation I am doing as I am trying to find out how concentration affects the rate of reaction.

I shall try to make sure that the temperature stays the same throughout the experiment as, if the temperature of the solution increases, the particles in the solution move around faster and the chances of a collision become higher, so it would not be fair.

There is a dot on the side of the beaker shall stay the same throughout the experiment, as if the dot is changed, it might have changed in size or shape and may be harder or easier to see through the cloudy solution.

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Also the same person will have to look at the dot each time as each person can see a little differently, and someone might be able to see the dot at one point, while another cannot. So the person looking must be the same for consistency.

A simple precaution to make sure not to mix up would be, careful not to mix up the measuring cylinders for each of the liquids. An example would be, not using the same measuring for the hydrochloric acid and the Sodium Thiosulphate.


I shall collect the required equipment and measure the acids out ...

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