Physics: time period of a pendulum.

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physics: time period of a pendulum



B A Weight




The time period for a pendulum is the time taken for the pendulum to swing from one point to another (i.e. from A to B and back again)
I need to record this time period, but it is too short, so I will time 10 periods and then divide the final time by 10 to give me the time of one pendulum time period.
When doing this experiment I will need to take in account the three variables; Displacement, the mass of the pendulum, and the length of the string that the pendulum is attached to. I have decided to vary the variables in the following way:

Displacement (0)

Length Of String (cm)

Mass Of Pendulum (g)

I have chosen to use this figures because they are wide apart and I will find out how many figures I will need to use in my final experiment.
In my preliminary experiments I am only going to vary one variable at a time, when I use mass as a constant I will set it as 100g, this is because it is not too small a value and it is not too big. When I set length of string as a constant I will 60 cm, this because it is an average value. When I set displacement as a constant I will set it as 50 degrees, this is because I tested 90 degrees and it was too big a displacement so I lowered the value to 50 degrees. I will time 10 time periods, as I said before, and divide the answer by 10 to give the time of one time period.
Here are my preliminary results:

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Displacement (0) Time Period (s)
80 2.15
20 2.15

Mass (g) Time Period (s)
200 2.16
500 2.14

Length Of String (cm) Time Period (s)
80 1.8
20 1.2

By looking at my preliminary experiment results I can say that the displacement and the mass of the pendulum will have no effect on my final experiment results. I can also make a prediction of my final results:
"The longer the piece of string, the longer the time period of the pendulum"
I can say this because if the string is longer, it will have to travel a greater distance, so the time period will be longer. The longer ...

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