To Investigate The Effect Of Varying Concentration On The Reaction Between Marble Chips And Hydrochloric Acid
In this investigation I will react marble chips and varying concentrations of Hydrochloric acid and measure the rate of reaction to see what the effect of different concentrations have on the rate of reaction.
I already know that carbonates react with acids to produce Water, Carbon Dioxide and a salt:
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) => CO2(g) + CaCl2 (aq) + H2O(l)
I will need :
* A gas syringe
* A bung and tube
* A conical flask
* Marble chips
* Hydrochloric acid (2mol/dm3)
* A measuring cylinder
* A retort stand and clamp
* Beakers
* Distilled water
* Weighing scales
* Weighing boat
* Stopwatch
I will setup the experiment like this:
I know this set-up works because I have previously done an experiment with marble chips in which hydrogen gas was being collected.
How I will do it
First, I will make the solution. I have chosen to use 80cm3 of acid and 20g of marble. I will make different concentration acid solution by mixing varying amounts of acid and distilled water. I.e. for a one molar solution, I will use 40cm3 of 2 molar acid and 40cm3 of distilled water and so on. I will then put the solution in the conical flask. Then I will add the marble chips, but the bung on, and use the stopwatch to time how long it takes for 50cm3 of gas to be given off. I will swirl the reaction every 5 seconds for one second. This is to mix the solution and allow more contact between the marble and the HCl(aq) particles.
In this investigation I will react marble chips and varying concentrations of Hydrochloric acid and measure the rate of reaction to see what the effect of different concentrations have on the rate of reaction.
I already know that carbonates react with acids to produce Water, Carbon Dioxide and a salt:
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) => CO2(g) + CaCl2 (aq) + H2O(l)
I will need :
* A gas syringe
* A bung and tube
* A conical flask
* Marble chips
* Hydrochloric acid (2mol/dm3)
* A measuring cylinder
* A retort stand and clamp
* Beakers
* Distilled water
* Weighing scales
* Weighing boat
* Stopwatch
I will setup the experiment like this:
I know this set-up works because I have previously done an experiment with marble chips in which hydrogen gas was being collected.
How I will do it
First, I will make the solution. I have chosen to use 80cm3 of acid and 20g of marble. I will make different concentration acid solution by mixing varying amounts of acid and distilled water. I.e. for a one molar solution, I will use 40cm3 of 2 molar acid and 40cm3 of distilled water and so on. I will then put the solution in the conical flask. Then I will add the marble chips, but the bung on, and use the stopwatch to time how long it takes for 50cm3 of gas to be given off. I will swirl the reaction every 5 seconds for one second. This is to mix the solution and allow more contact between the marble and the HCl(aq) particles.