To Investigate The Effect Of Varying Concentration On The Reaction Between Marble Chips And Hydrochloric Acid

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To Investigate The Effect Of Varying Concentration On The Reaction Between Marble Chips And Hydrochloric Acid

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In this investigation I will react marble chips and varying concentrations of Hydrochloric acid and measure the rate of reaction to see what the effect of different concentrations have on the rate of reaction.


I already know that carbonates react with acids to produce Water, Carbon Dioxide and a salt:

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)    => CO2(g) + CaCl2 (aq) + H2O(l)



I will need :

  • A gas syringe
  • A bung and tube
  • A conical flask
  • Marble chips
  • Hydrochloric acid (2mol/dm3)
  • A measuring cylinder
  • A retort ...

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