What effect does the concentration have on the rate of a chemical reaction

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What effect does the concentration have on the

 rate of a chemical reaction

Aim ~ to investigate the reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate.

2Hcl[aq] + Na2 S2 O3[aq]  H20[l] + SO2[g] +S[s] +2NaCl[aq].

The sulphur Precipitate causes the reaction mixture to go cloudy. We will use a light sensor to measure the progress of this reaction.

Theory ~ the theory for reacting particles depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. For the particles to be able to do this they need ACTIVATION ENERGY, as they need enough energy to react. There are four factors that affect the number of collisions these are:

~ The temperature, which increases the amount of collisions.

~ The Surface area, which create more collisions.

~ A Catalyst, which increases the number of collision, as the particles have a surface to stick to where they can bump into each other.

~ The Concentration. If a solution is made more concentrated it means that there are more particles. This means that there are more particles knocking around between the water molecules, this makes the collision between the reacting particles more likely.



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Prediction ~ I predict that if I dilute the acid then the reaction will be slower, therefore it will take longer to change colour. I think this because of the collision theory. If I half the concentration of acid then, I think that it will take double the amount of time to change colour.

Fair Test ~ in this experiment I am going to change the concentration to change the reaction time. I will use 5 different concentrations, ranging from 1 molar to 0.2 of a molar. This will give me a good range of results. Each time ...

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