What is an El Niño event and what effect does it have on global weather?

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What is an El Niño event and what effect does it have on global weather?

El Niño means the Christ Child!

El Niño is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for .

In plain terms an El Niño is a warm southward current that occurs in the Pacific off the coat of Peru in December.  The intensity and persistence of this current vary.

An El Niño can affect weather conditions everywhere in the world.

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Under normal conditions the weather is like;

In a normal year the South East trade winds arising from the global circulation blow from east to west creating the following conditions:

  • Warm surface waters of the pacific ocean are blown westwards pooling very warm water near Australasia
  • The warm water heats the air in the western pacific, creating intense convection and thunderstorm activity
  • In the eastern pacific, the removal of warm surface water allows cool, deeper water to rise
  • Cool up welling water near Peru creates higher air pressures on the coast of Peru, helping to reinforce the ...

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