In this section I will be comparing between the working class and the middle class. I will also be looking into the comparisons within the classes. Finally I will be showing evidence that the gap is closing between the classes.

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In this section I will be comparing between the working class and the middle class. I will also be looking into the comparisons within the classes. Finally I will be showing evidence that the gap is closing between the classes.

The following will also explain the vast differences between the home of Mr Jones the dentist, which is top of the middle class, and the Widow, which is the bottom of the working class.  Mr Jones lives in 4 Ravensworth Terrace and the Widow lives in 4 Francis Street

Mr Jones’s house was situated opposite to the park and near to the town. This was useful for work, because he owned 2 houses. One of them was his living house and the other was his dentistry house. On the other side of the museum there was the colliery village. There was a row of pit cottages here. In number 4 lived the Widow with her 2 children. The house was near the pit; this meant that the air was dusty, smoky and murky. This was also a noisy place to live, all because of one thing, the pit. The pit owned the pit cottages; these were for the families of the pit workers. They were also given free coal for working in the mine. This is a big difference to Mr Jones. He owned both of his houses. This shows that Mr Jones had a beautiful surrounding to his house and that the widow was worse off.

Mr Jones lived in a house with a ground floor, first floor and an attic. On the ground floor is where Mr Jones’s kitchen, living room and utility room were. On the first floor there was a master bedroom, the bathroom and a nursery. In the attic lived the maid. This is because the Jones’s were more important. Outside they had a privy that only the maid used and a coal shed. This is compared to the widow’s bungalow, which had a kitchen, living room/bedroom and an attic.

In the widow’s house there were several uses for the rooms. The front room was used for sleeping and entertaining visitors. This would only be used on special occasions like Christmas or weddings. The kitchen was used for cooking, cleaning, sleeping, bathing and drying clothes. The loft was one room, which was where the children slept.

Mr Jones’s house is totally different. His kitchen was used purely for cooking and cleaning, the bathroom for sanitation etc. So where as the widow’s house was compact Mr Jones’s house was spacious.

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The gardens for Francis Street were large. This is because they needed to grow fruit and vegetables, because they could not afford to buy fresh produce. On the other hand Mr Jones had a small garden because he could afford to buy fresh fruit and vegetables each day. In his garden he was able to grow flowers and shrubs.

The sanitation of the houses was different. The widow’s toilet was an ash pit privy outside. For toilet paper they used newspaper cut into squares. Mr Jones’s was very different. He had a plumbed in bathroom with shower, bath, ...

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