How duration affects the rate of electrolysis in a Voltaic Cell

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Redox Design and Experiment

Design and Conduct an experiment to investigate the effect of ONE FACTOR on redox reactions.


The two main components of redox reactions are reduction and oxidation. Reduction is a gain in electrons and the decrease in oxidation number whereas oxidation is the loss of electrons and the increase in oxidation number. Voltaic cells, also known as galvanic cells generate their own electricity. The redox reaction in a Voltaic cell is a spontaneous reaction. For this reason, voltaic cells are commonly used as batteries. Voltaic cell reactions supply energy which is used to perform work. The energy is harnessed by situating the oxidation and reduction reactions in separate containers, joined by an apparatus (known as the salt bridge which primarily completes a circuit and maintains electrical neutrality) that allows electrons to flow. The functions of a voltaic cell are quite simple. There happens to be an anode and a cathode. The positive ions go the negative electrode (anode) whereas the negative ions go to the positive electrode (cathode). Electrons always flow from the anode (where oxidation takes place) to the cathode (where reduction takes place). Electrons flow across wires whereas ions flow across the electrolyte and the salt bridge.


The objective of this experiment is to see how the time affects the mass of the zinc electrode (anode) and the copper electrode (cathode) in a voltaic cell.



  • 1x22.5cm2 copper electrode
  • 1x22.5cm2 zinc electrode
  • 100cm3  1mol dm-3 Zinc sulphate solution
  • 100cm3  1mol dm-3 copper (II) sulphate solution
  • Filter paper (required to create a salt bridge)
  • 100cm3  of potassium nitrate solution (the spectator ion which I will require for creating the salt bridge which will complete the circuit and maintain electrical neutrality)
  • 2x200cm3 beakers
  • Stopwatch  (±0.01s)
  • 1x100cm3 measuring cylinder (±1.0cm3)
  • Voltmeter
  • 2 connecting wires
  • Top pan balance (±0.01g)


  1. Set up the voltaic cell. Use a measuring cylinder to measure out 100cm3 of copper sulphate solution. Pour it into the 200 cm³ beaker.  
  2. Next do the same for zinc sulphate. Use a measuring cylinder to help measure out 100cm3 of zinc sulphate solution. Pour it into a different 200 cm³ beaker.  
  3. Weigh the masses of the electrodes separately using a top pan balance. Record the initial masses.
  4. Connect the wires to the outlets in the zinc and copper electrode. Place them in the corresponding outlets of the voltmeter.
  5. After that we cut out some filter paper and dip that into our spectator ion (potassium nitrate) in order to build a salt bridge. The salt bridge will primarily complete the circuit, allow flow of ions and maintain electrical neutrality. The salt bridge will be placed in such a way that the ends of the salt bridge will be touching separate solutions of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate. The overall circuit should resemble the diagram in Figure.1.
  6. Place the zinc electrode into the beaker with the zinc sulphate solution and the copper electrode into the beaker with the copper sulphate solution and at the same time, start the stopwatch. Keep the stopwatch running until 200 seconds elapse. *Note- we will be recording the time every 5 minutes because 1 or 2 minutes simply isn’t enough for the change to take place
  7. Take the cathode out of the solution and measure its mass (remember, before doing so, shake it a couple of times in order to remove any moisture). Record the mass. Do the same for the zinc electrode
  8. Place the electrodes into their respective solutions once again and start timing. Repeat steps 5 to 6
  9. Repeat the same steps until we get mass readings for up to 60 minutes of experimenting.
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Data Collection and Processing

Raw data:-

  • Initial mass of anode (zinc electrode): 31.29 ±0.01g
  • Initial mass of cathode (copper electrode): 32.05 ±0.01g

Table 1 – Mass of anode and cathode obtained from different time intervals


-  Uncertainties:

The average reaction time was ±0.5s even though it did alter from interval to interval. Note that there is also a ±0.01s time uncertainty in the stopwatch itself. The uncertainty for mass is inscribed on the top pan balance as well.

Data Processing:

We must now calculate the mass changes which have taken place due to experimenting with ...

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