Paper Chromatography on Amino Acids IA

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Chemistry IA: Paper Chromatography of Amino Acids

Values of Controlled Variables

Solvent: 12ml butan-1-ol, 3ml ethanoic acid, 6ml H2O

Ruler: for measuring distances for Rf value has an uncertainty of ±0.1cm

Time: The chromatograph was left to left to run for 1 hour and 25 minutes.


After developing the chromatogram by spraying it in a fume cupboard with a suitable dye and then drying it, several shades of purple dots formed on the chromatography paper.


The chromatogram shown below shows 3 distinct purple spots. These spots are labeled from one to three.

Processing Data

Calculating the Rf value would allow the relationship of the distance moved by the unknown amino acid to the distance moved by the solvent front to be calculated.

Data table showing Rf values of the unknown samples

After the Rf values for the unknown samples have been obtained, we can now compare it with actual Rf values of the actual amino acids used. The following table compares obtained values and actual values and the amino acids:

Looking at the data above, although the Rf values obtained differs slightly from the literature values, we could see that both values are only 0 to 0.02 apart. Both sets of values (obtained and literature) show that Leucine has the highest Rf value and lysine has the lowest value with aspartic acid in between. The actual amino acids were meant to be lysine aspartic acid and leucine. This means that my experiment was successful as I was able to identify all three amino acids correctly.

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Total percentage of random uncertainty:

The Rf values of the amino acid samples may not be completely accurate as all of them did not match the given literature value. This may be due to random uncertainties. The ruler had an uncertainty of ±0.1cm. The values that are used in the calculation for this number are shown below:


This paper chromatography experiment was to determine the identity of three amino acids within a given sample. Paper chromatography involves two stages: a stationary phase and a mobile phase. The stationary phase is the ...

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