Sasha Zouev

Geography 09/11/05

China’s One Child Policy

        China is the 3rd biggest country in the world in terms of land area.  However in terms of population, China is by far the leading nation with a population of roughly 1,306,313,000 people (2005 est).

Brief History of China’s Population 1905 – 1978

        China was founded in 1949 at a time when the country had a population of about 540 million. Within three decades the population was above 800 million. This record population boost from the 1950s to the 1970s fashioned a strong population momentum that is motivating China’s population expansion in spite of already low levels of fertility. It is hypothesized that China's population will grow to some 1.48 billion.

        Nonetheless, all of this growth will take place during the next 25 years. In its most recent medium variant projection, the UN Population Division estimates that China's population will rise by 260 million between 1995 and 2025. This certainly causes a major crisis for China's food supply: within only three decades the nation will have to feed an additional 260 million people (equivalent to the total population of the USA).

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        At the bottom of the Chinese population pyramid (see fig. 1) one can again see large associates that were born between 1985 and 1990. They are almost as large as the birth cohorts during the "baby boom" years. However, these large number of birth are just the "echo effect" of the baby boom between the mid-1960s and mid-1970s. The large baby boom generation had their (first) children - and despite the fact, that each couple should have had only one child, the total number of births was high, because of the large number of parents.

What was the One ...

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A mixed review of the one child policy in China. It does not give much detail on the policy itself (i.e. the incentives and punishments) but does give some background as to why the policy was brought in. 3 stars