All of the other ways of knowing are controlled by language. What does this statement mean and do you think it is a fair representation of the relationship between perception, emotion, reason and language?

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“All of the other ways of knowing are controlled by language.” What does this statement mean and do you think it is a fair representation of the relationship between perception, emotion, reason and language? 

The following text will inform you about what knowledge is, and whether all ways of knowing are controlled by language.

Knowledge to me is when you have information that is ‘saved’ in your brain and that you can recall at any given time. There are people with a very broad knowledge and other people with a rather small knowledge. What is for sure is that belief is not knowing. Belief might be experience but that does not mean that it is also knowing.

To narrow down the area which we are talking about, I would like to list and explain the different types of knowledge that exist. There is explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge.

Explicit knowledge[1] is the part of what you know that can be said and that you are aware/conscious of. For example, if you have to study the process of meiosis in biology. You might get handouts that explain each phase and you can therefore use those words to remember what meiosis is or to be able to explain it to someone else. Or it might as well be the times table. One times one is one, two times one is two, and so on. These things can be proven by anybody again.

Implicit knowledge[2] is therefore all of what is not included in explicit knowledge. When you have implicit knowledge you know how to do something without the ability to describe what you are doing. For example when you are thirsty: you know that you need to drink something to get rid of your thirst, but what you don’t know, is how your body jumps to the conclusion that it is thirsty.

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In these different types of knowledge, there are different ways of knowing, such as perception, emotion and reason.

To get back to the question of whether all ways of knowing are influenced by language, I would like to examine how these different types of knowledge are controlled by language, or whether they are controlled by language at all.

Language to me, is just what you say, read and write. Language in this context does not include behaviour, or body language, how ever you might call it.

Some say, that knowledge is always influenced by language. There are extremists who say, ...

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