Evaluate the ways that emotion may enhance or undermine reason as a way of knowing

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Evaluate the ways that emotion may enhance or undermine reason as a way of knowing

How do we know what we know? There are a variety of ways of knowing such as Perception, Emotion, Language and Reason. In this essay I would define emotion and reason, make clear the meaning of the words “enhance” and “undermine” and then consider the impact of the emotion on reason as a way of knowing.

Emotion is considered to give a meaning of the human being existence and its actions. However we should consider what emotion is. Some would say that the emotions are simply a chemical reaction produced by the organism in the brain. Partly, it is true as a high concentration of adrenalin in the blood causes the feeling of the excitement. But this theory fails as we consider emotions as happiness or fear as in a chemical way is it impossible to have both of them in the same time.

Other could define the emotion as an instinct. The best example for this would be the mothers love, if something will happen to her child the mother will always feel it with her heart. However the feelings like faith or mercy could rarely be caused by the instinct as those emotions sometime contradict their purpose. So, the emotion cannot be just an instinct.

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For a better definition of emotions we can mix up both of them, so the emotions would be a complex and strong feeling involving high brain activity and chemical reactions in the body.

Another way of knowing is the reason, which is considered to give the meaning of the human being existence also. We can replace the word reason with logic, therefore the logic is the system of principles underlying anything believed to be the opposite of emotion.

 There are two types of reason –induction and deduction. The first type, induction, suggests that process of reasoning happens from particular ...

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