How significant is the role of love in the deaths of both Thomas Manns character Aschenbach and Franz Kafkas character Gregor?

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World Literature Essay Question:

The role played by distorted ideas of love in the breaking point of both Thomas Mann’s character Aschenbach and Franz Kafka’s character Gregor.

In Death In Venice by Thomas Mann and Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the idea of love is both distorted by the main characters. This distorted idea of love is the main cause of why both the central characters are driven to the breaking point where they would lose what is valued to them the highest.

Thomas Mann, through the construction of Aschenbach’s attention to morals such as discipline, explores the corruption of his character through his glorification of love, which is Tadzio. Therefore his breaking point of where he loses the most valued to him, is when he had declared his love for Tadzio.

Franz Kafka, uses Gregor as a character that gives unconditionally, ‘ lovingly’ as he would put it, Kafka is opening up areas through Gregor’s selflessness toward his family. His main point of affection being his sister. Gregor’s breaking point would have been when his sister disowns him as a brother.

Both Kafka and Mann both use the theme of love in a distortional state.

Gregor had a love for his family.

In Metamorphosis, Mann uses the first action of Gregor’s transformation to start off to show the priority that Gregor had given his family in his life. But in attempt to express his love to his family, he has warped the idea of love. He had equated the amount of work and material benefits to the way he loves his family.

Despite waking up as a ‘monstrous vermin’ Gregor’s first action of the day was to look for the time. He completely disregards the need to be shocked due to his transformation and proceeds on with the schedule that would support his family. Mann is defining the cause of why Gregor first thought was to catch the train. Gregor is holding back his own comfort and prospects at a better job for his parents’ benefit. He has taken on the burden of the family, which is his parent’s debt towards his boss.Gregor had provided the family with comfort and a stable income until that morning where he had transformed. His family led a lazy and unmotivated life. This is overindulgence in Gregor’s part. Despite his un-willingness in carrying on the job of a travelling salesman, he was preserving for his parent’s sake, he was carrying on for the love of the family that he gained through selflessness.

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‘ This getting up so early’ he thought ‘ makes anyone a complete idiot’

Gregor had a subconscious viewpoint of how he viewed his work to his family. He was aware of his contributions bringing more harm than good. There was a sense of realization of what he was doing wrong but since there was the use of the words ‘complete idiot’, Gregor has also subconsciously perceived himself to be distanced from the idea of logic. Kafka has set the stage for Gregor’s beginning downfall.

 Aschenbach had a love of order.

In Death And Venice, Aschenbach’s first outright ...

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