Discuss the impact on human health and disease of Clostridium
'Discuss the impact on human health and disease of Clostridium, Candida and Cryptosporidium' Clostridium, Candida and Cryptosporidium are microorganisms cause infection disease. Clostridium is an anaerobic bacterium from genes clostridium (Willey.J, Sherwood.J (2007), Prescott Microbiology). It is a rod shaped gram positive bacterium has more than fifteen species.They are obligate anaerobes and capable of producing endospores. Candida is type of fungi that naturally lives in human body as commensals. The most common species that cause gastrointestinal infections is C.Albicans. Cryptosporidium is coccidian protozoan parasite. It has monoxenous life cycle, completing its entire cycle within a single host (Flanigan and Soave, 1993) Clostridium has three main species that affect human health: C.Botulinum, C.Perfringens, C.Tetani, which affect on different body system and organs. C.Botulinum produces neurotoxin that causes flaccid paralysis. Usually the toxin affected the autonomic nerves that control body function like respiration and heart beat (Michael.T Madigan (2003), Brock Microorganisms). Most infection of C.Botulinum is caused by food borne. Botulinum spores germinate and cells produce toxin when food have not cook properly. Infant botulism occurs when spores of C.Botulinum are ingested and develop in the intestines.C.Perfringens can germinate under anoxic condition such
Biology Personal Statement
Not anything else but the experiment of cultivating seeds in different soils is the brightest memory of my primary school years. Ever since then, I really enjoyed studying natural sciences. Taking Biology Higher Level course has given me the deeper understanding of the processes of life around me. Nevertheless, lots of new areas of growth have opened to me, too; and I am determined to extent my knowledge further. Since the tenth grade, I have been attending two extramural scientists' schools, 'Pazinimas' and 'National Students Academy'. Education there is organized into sessions, composed of lectures, practice in the laboratory and exams; during which I have found myself the most involved in the molecular biology and genetics fields. Steve Jones 'The Language of Genes' is the book that gave me the insight of how significant and intriguing the processes in the cells' nuclei are. I started to read more about genetic modification, and its applications in medicine. It was very interesting to visit local Cardiology Institute where post doctorates are investigating how stem cells could be applied for patients with cardiopulmonary diseases. During the excursion, I learned how DNA is scanned for inconsistencies, and how TIRF microscope is used to observe the activity of sodium and calcium ions within the cells' membranes. Recently I have participated in one of the most successful
Virtual Investigation of an Enzyme. A new protease (ref. no PR/66-430-010), isolated from B.yorkii has been characterised. A series of experiments were run on the enzyme to determine the optimum pH for the enzyme to run at, the effect of pH on KM and Vmax
Summary I. A new protease (ref. no PR/66-430-010), isolated from B.yorkii has been characterised. II. A series of experiments were run on the enzyme to determine the optimum pH for the enzyme to run at, the effect of pH on KM and Vmax, to determine the effect of azide on substrate binding, on the catalytic process itself or both and also to determine the dissociation constant for the enzyme-azide complex and the accuracy of the measurements. III. Experiments performed on the isolated enzyme showed that if the pH of the solution was too high then the rate of reaction is too slow to gain any results and the same was true if the ph is too low. IV. The optimum pH was found to be pH 7.0 Results Fig.1 shows that the optimum pH at which the enzyme works at was pH 7.0. Fig.2 is a Lineweaver-Burk plot of the reciprocal values of the enzyme recorded at ph 7.0, with all values constant other than the concentration of the substrate. The Vmax and Km of the enzyme under inhibitor influence, double inhibitor and a control of no inhibitor were calculated from the lines of best fit on the plot and are as follows. Control Vmax - 1/0.35 = 2.9 Km - 1/15 = 0.06 Inhibitor Vmax - 1/0.35 = 2.9 Km - 1/4 = 0.25 Double Inhibitor Vmax - 1/0.35 = 2.9 Km - 1/2.5 = 0.4 Discussion The precision of the assay procedure was determined using the following data:
Practical 1 MUSCLES AND NERVES A. Histology of Muscle tissue Sample: B Type: Skeletal Muscle Description: Long, striated cells with multiple nuclei Common Locations: In Skeletal Muscles Function: Contraction for voluntary movements Sample: A Type: Smooth Muscle Description: Long, spindle-shaped cells, each with a single nucleus Common Locations: In hollow organs (e.g. stomach) Function: Propulsion of substances along internal passageways Sample: C Type: Cardiac Muscle Description: Branching, striated cells fused at plasma membranes Common Locations: Wall of heart Function: Pumping of blood in the circulatory system More photos in fig1. B. Heart Structure . Right and Left Coronary Arteries Left Coronary Arteries Right Coronary Arteries Diameter Greater Smaller No. of Branches More fewer Length Longer Shorter Explanation It carries blood to the left part of the heart, including left atrium and left ventricle, which pumps blood to the systemic circulation. Greater diameter and more branches of the Coronary Arteries could bring more oxygenated blood to the cardiac muscle in order to carry out forceful contraction. It carries blood to the right part of the heart, including right atrium and right ventricle, which pumps blood to the pulmonary circulation. The distance traveled by the blood they pump out is shorter. Mild contraction is needed. Smaller