SWOT Analysis for Hewden Plant Hire.

SWOT Analysis A swot analysis is where you look at business like Hewden Plant Hire and you talk about the: * Strengths (internal) * Weaknesses (internal) * Opportunities (external) * Threats (external) Swot analysis is a method used in general management as well as marketing scenarios. Swot consists of investigative the current activities of the company-its strengths and weaknesses then using this and external research to work out the opportunities and threats that exist. Strengths There are lots of strengths at Hewden Plant Hire. They are a subsidiary of another larger company which helps them to become bigger. The strengths are: * UK network- this enables people all over the country to deal with Hewden Plant Hire and also with the depots been widely spread people can get the plant equipment faster. * Hewden Plant Hire is one of the market leaders and has the highest net worth out of all the companies. * Hewden Plant Hire has ISO 9002 quality assurance, this shows the customers that they meet certain standards and are a good reliable company. * Always working on the relationship with customers to ensure that they use Hewden Plant Hire again in the future. * Having a good management team to run the company efficiently and effectively. * Hewden Plant Hire is a very profitable company. The latest turnover that it made was £331.8 million. * Hewden Plant Hire

  • Word count: 584
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Biological Sciences
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The Commercial Use Of Plant Hormones

The Commercial Use Of Plant Hormones A phytohormone is a natural plant substance, which controls plant activities. They are synthesised in one place and translocated. They trigger major plant responses; the main five are auxin, ethene, cytokinin, gibberellic acid and abscissic acid. Plant growth regulators, include plant hormones, both natural and synthetic and have many uses in greenhouse production. Auxins were the first plant hormones to be discovered, they stimulate the elongation and growth of cells. They also influence the development of vascular tissue and fruits. Synthetic auxins are used to stimulate root development on stem cuttings for asexual propagation of woody plant species; this means that horticulturists can produce woody plant species quicker for sale. The overall plant growth increases in the presence of auxin, as the auxin promotes stem growth in the region behind the apex. Apical dominance can be achieved as well, this means the plant can be shaped, and the auxin inhibits lateral bud growth. The apical dominance will lead to plants with a conical shape. Fruit set and growth can be improved; tuber and bulb germination can be quickened. Commercial weed control can also be achieved with excess auxin being added, it leads to intensified growth, the plant in question literally "grows to death." Auxins are also used to prevent pre harvest fruit drop. Ethene

  • Word count: 532
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Biological Sciences
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Research Proposal for Aspects of Arabidopsis thaliana

Research Proposal for Aspects of Arabidopsis thaliana Research Proposal for Aspects of Arabidopsis thaliana Introduction The mouse ear cress Arabidopsis thaliana is a member of the Brassicaeae that lends itself well to genetic study in that it has only a small quantity of DNA. The plant itself has little commercial value aside from that as a research tool, and it has no aesthetic horticultural value at all. It is a small plant that can be grown by the hundreds in cells on a laboratory bench, and its small quantity of DNA makes it useful in identifying genes of other organisms (Wheeler, 1994). Normal flower color varies between solid white petals to green petals only tinged with white. Manipulation of flower color is of interest not because of any potential ornamental value, but because of the mechanisms of gene expression in the visible appearance of the yellow pigment anthocyanin. In like manner, information regarding cold tolerance and the biochemical changes that occur within the plant in response to cold are not of interest primarily for culture of the plant itself except as it applies to cultural conditions that need to be maintained for optimum life cycle completion time. Rather, Arabidopsis' response to cold stress is of interest because facts learned from it can be applied to investigations in human systems (Stockinger, Gilmour and Thomashow, 1997). This

  • Word count: 386
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Biological Sciences
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