Cognitive Psychology

What is cognitive psychology?

Cognitive psychology is a general approach to psychology emphasizing the internal mental processes. To the cognitive psychologist behaviour is not specifiable simply in terms of its overt properties but requires explanations at the level of mental events, mental representations, beliefs, intentions, etc. Although the cognitive approach is often contrasted sharply with the behaviourist approach it is not necessarily the case that cognitivists are anti-behaviouristic. Rather, behaviourism is viewed as seriously incomplete as a general theory, one which fails to provide any coherent characterisation of cognitive processes like thinking, language, decision making, etc. unlike the behaviourists, the cognitive approach does not put forward a single body of theory and no single theorist has predominated the development of the approach (although Piaget and Bruner are two of the better known theorists.)

In the late 1950s, may British and American psychologists began looking to the work of computer scientists to try and understand more complex behaviours which, they felt, had been either neglects altogether or greatly oversimplified by learning theory (conditioning). These complex behaviours were what Wundt, James and other early scientific psychologist had called ‘mind’ or mental processes. They are now called cognition or cognitive processes (also mediational processes) and refer to all the ways in which we comes to know about the world around us, how we attain, retain and regain information, through the processes of perception, attention, memory, problem solving, language and thinking, reasoning and concept formation (‘higher order’ mental activities). Perception, attention, language, memory and thinking are defined below.

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Perception is an active mediational process that allows us to process, organise and interpret sensory information from our outside world.

Attention is a general term referring to the selective aspects of perception which function so that at any instant an organism focuses on certain features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of other features.

Language is quite difficult to define, a language is what we speak, the set of arbitrary conventional symbols through which we convey meaning, the culturally determined pattern of vocal gestures we acquire by virtue of being raised in a particular place and time, the medium ...

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