Comparing The Use of Imagery in Recreational And Competitive Sport.

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Comparing The Use of Imagery in Recreational

And Competitive Sport


The aim of this study was to find at if there was a significant difference in the use of imagery in recreational and competitive sport.  To do this we had a sample of 56 spo2004 students fill out a Sports Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ). In this sample we had 18 participants, 9male and 9 female, who considered themselves involved in sport for recreation and 36, 18 male and 18 female, who considered themselves at a competitive level (above school level).  The highest mean result recovered was: 29.0 for competitive participants in the MGA subscale. The lowest mean result recovered was: 22.0 for the recreational participants in the CG subscale.  We found that for three of the five subscales of imagery theory there were significant differences when we used a t-test: CG – 0.005, MS – 0.04 and MGM – 0.04.  The full initial can be found in the appendices.  


Imagery can be “a process by which sensory experiences are stored in memory and internally recalled and performed in the absence of external stimuli” (Murphy, 1994).  More simply, imagery is the notion of being able to recall an action previously made to your memory and re-perform the action.  Being able to recall the action is beneficial in terms of improvement of performance as mistakes can be amended mentally prior to re-performance.

Previous research on imagery has focused on the cognitive function and past studies have been limited in terms of sport by a failure to examine any changes in athletes imagery use during a competitive season (Hall et al, 1990).  Early imagery use concentrated on skill and strategy acquisition, skill maintenance, self-imagery manipulation and attention/pain control, over recent years this has altered to incorporate the field of sports participation.

Hall et al (1990) states that everyone has the capacity for mental imagery and that there is no doubt that it has a significant positive effect on the development of motor skills.  In addition to this, Feltz and Landers (1983) found that mental practice; the use of imagery is better than no practice and that physical practice is better than mental practice.  However, when you combine both mental practice and physical practice the best results are achieved, with higher skilled athletes benefiting from its use more.  Gammage et al (2000) found that increasing the frequency of given exercises resulted in significantly more time spent on imagery.

Mental imagery involves many senses providing a very vivid experience for the athlete.  This is different to ‘visualisation’ which only provides a picture of the action, without the depth and involvement of other senses provided with the use of mental imagery.  

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Mental imagery can be categorised into 2 terms of perspective.  White and Hardy (1995) and Hardy and Callow (1996) describe them like this:

  1. Internal – imagery is ‘seen’ through the eyes of the athlete – in a first-person view.  This is particularly useful for visual-field change activities.
  2. External – an outside view, like watching yourself from the side-lines.  This is useful for technical skill development.

Another major difference between the two types of imagery – internal and external – is that internal imagery allows for kinaesthetic imaging while external imagery does not.

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