critically consider two or more psychological explanations of one anxiety disorder

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Title: Critically consider two or more psychological explanations of any one anxiety disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a   most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive, ,  and related compulsions (tasks or "") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions.

The psychodynamic model of OCD places its main focus on the importance of past experiences in determining the form of obsessive compulsive symptoms which occurs. Freud proposed that in instances where inappropriate desires coming from the id are pushed out of the consciousness, it causes anxiety which in turn result in the development of OCD. As a consequence the psychoanalytic explanation emphasises the role of defence mechanisms in providing relief from this type of anxiety triggered by these rather highly exaggerated impulses. These mechanisms include isolation, undoing and reaction formation.

For example reaction formation refers to the individual  consciously experiencing patterns of  behaviour  or attitudes that are exactly the opposite of the underlying impulses. Undoing on the other hand involves performing a compulsive ritual in attempt to prevent the consequences that the sufferer irrationally anticipates from a certain impulse.  

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Another assumption of the psychoanalytic explanation of OCD is that regression  tend to be a central mechanism in determining the development of obsessive compulsive symptoms. This suggests that an OCD sufferer prevents  the associated anxiety by abandoning the genital impulses and regressing to the earlier anal phase instead of repressing that impulse.

This has been said to provide relief as giving up genital urges mean that by giving  up genital urges sufferers are no longer confronted with any difficulties led by these urges.

One strength of the psychodynamic model is that it has been supported by ...

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