Does Thought Require Language?

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Does Thought Require Language?   by Sarah Brayshaw Is thought possible without the ordering structure of language?  Or does thought more or less develop with language, becoming more complete and complex as the individual’s grasp of the language does so?  This essay looks at and considers evidence for either possibility, and comes to the conclusion that no, language is not required.  While language does not seem necessary for thought, it does profoundly affect how we think and perceive.    To determine the relationship between thought and language, one might look to the originof both. Which developed in the evolution ofhumans first, thought or language? Theories of the origin of consciousness yield some interesting ideason the relationship between thought andlanguage. After all, what is consciousness withoutthought? Specifically, the work of Austrianphilosopher Karl Popper is relevant.He theorizes human consciousness “emerged with the faculty of language,and, ontogenetically speaking, it emerges during growth with the faculty oflanguage [more].”  Michael Arbib furthered this hypothesis, saying that before consciousness,language developed as a tool for communication in a group of people, and that this toolevolved “beyond the individual-to-individual sphere into the self sphere [more].”  As language developed and became a central part of life, the social process of language wasinternalized and
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became consciousness and, therefore, thought. So if language preceded conscious thought in the evolution of humans, does that necessarily mean the two are still so tightly intertwined that thought would be impossible withoutlanguage?  One theory about the relationship between thought and language, part of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, is called Linguistic Determinism.  Linguistic Determinism is generally the idea that the language we use, at least to some extent, creates our methods of seeing and understanding the world and how we think.  The concepts we can understand and think about, the ideas we can have and convey, are directly related to what ...

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