Guttmann Classification Essay

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Guttmann Classification Essay

Modern sports have demonstrated some primary characteristics that make them specifically modern; these can be best understood in contrast to earlier forms of sports. To understand differences between older and modern day sports, it is necessary to recognize the changing nature of society of which those sports forms are apart. Allen Guttmann has carefully classified the earliest forms of sport in 1978. Several typologies have been developed offering a valuable classification of the features of modern day sport. "The main achievement of the Guttman classification is that it highlights, in an illuminating comparative framework, the specificity of the nature of sport in different and distinctive social context" (Horne et al 1999). The framework that Guttmann produced, attempts to establish how sports cultures and forms diverge across time, from primitive times to present. Guttman believes that sport is socially constructed and not a chronological event or societal occurrence.

Throughout this essay I am going to describe the Guttman classification of the characteristics of modern sport. The seven key features of the classification are secularism, equality, rationalism, bureaucracy, specialisation, quantification and records. The insight of the classifications will be applied to a development of a sport, this being Rugby Union.

Secularism- "Not bound by religious rule". In many of the early cultures physical and sporting activities could not be seen as separate from religion. Gradually over the centuries sport became more secular as society increasingly lost its older form of worship. "Today many people argue that modern day sport acts a new form of religion or quasi religion" (Wesson et al 2000). To be in agreement with Guttmann, modern sports are no longer related to religious beliefs; they are simply a means of entertainment rather than a means of worship. Religion is sacred and supernatural, sport is profane and material, religion is a spirit of service and love for others, sport is spirit of self achievement at the expense of others. I must emphasise that religious values have had little control over the development of rugby union. However this does not deny the present trend where many athletes see their prowess as god given or that they are competing for spiritual reasons.
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Equality - "a person or thing equal to another, esp in rank status or characteristic quality". This characteristic could include gender, class, religion and race issues. The rugby gospel was spread by the public school and university players in the guise of colonial service officials who took with the message that was a "game for ruffians played by gentlemen" (Ian Morrisson 1998). This suggests a class distinction, as those attending these establishments would have been from a more privileged and prosperous background, thus giving an unfair advantage over those less fortunate. Modern day rugby is based on the ...

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