Introduction to Sports Therapy Techniques

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James Clive

BSc Sports Therapy

Sports Massage

Introduction to Sports Therapy Techniques


As a Sports Therapist, sports massage is an important part of the profession. Sports massage is a skill and involves the use of many different techniques, each with their own benefits.

Effleurage is one such technique and is carried using the palms of both hands, the pressure applied through Effleurage is towards the heart and is done so by using long strokes up the limb and then returning back down with a lighter pressure. Throughout this technique, the hands remain in constant contact with the limb, helping to warm and relax the muscles while applying the oil or other massage media at the same time.

Throughout Effleurage, strokes run the full length of the muscles and pressures range from superficial to deep, strokes also run longitudinal to the muscles fibres as well as transversely to the muscle fibres.

Petrissage will often continue on from Effleurage and is another technique used in sports massage. Petrissage, like Effleurage, involves the use of both hands which rhythmically and smoothly glide across the muscle, each hand alternatively grasping, squeezing and lifting the tissue in succession. As with all massage techniques, Petrissage helps stimulate circulation as well as loosening soft tissues through the grasping and squeezing involved in the technique.

Friction is another technique that can be used and while often painful, is excellent in treating areas of compacted fibrous tissue, by breaking down the tissue and enabling increased blood flow in the area. Friction work is often carried out with the elbow or digit for a short period of time.

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Another commonly used technique in sports massage is Tapotement, also known as Percussion. This technique involves both hands alternatively and quickly striking the skin in a rhythmic manner. Tapotement is used over the fleshy areas of the body and increases blood flow and temperature of the skin.


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