Oxygen Uptake and VO2 Consumption When Training

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Oxygen Uptake and VO2 Consumption When Training


Oxygen uptake kinetics is the rate oxygen uptake responds at the onset exercise and reflects the adjustment of both systemic oxygen transport and muscle metabolism (Xu and Rhodes, 1999).  There are three phases of exercise VO2 kinetics that can be identified in the moderate exercise domain (Whipp and Ward, 1990 cited in Xu and Rhodes, 1999).   Phase 1 represents the early fast increase in VO2, which usually is usually completed within the first 15 – 25 seconds of exercise (Xu and Rhodes, 1999).  It suggests that in phase 1 the increase in VO2 is mainly attributed to the increase in cardiac output (Q) and thus pulmonary flow (Whipp, 1987).  Therefore, because phase 1 is mainly a consequence of increased venous return it is often called cardiodynamic phase (Hughson et al, 2000).  Phase 2 is the primary phase of the adaptive process, it reflects the change in muscle oxidative metabolism as venous return continues to increase and more O2 is extracted with exercise (Hughson et al, 2000).  Following a short delay of phase 1, VO2 increases exponentially towards a steady state level, research has suggested that there is a linear dynamic relationship between VO2 and the work rate (Barstow et al, 1993; Gerbino et al, 1996). Limitations of oxygen transport either or activation of metabolic processes that govern muscle oxygen utilisation may explain phase 2 (Hughson 1990). Phase 3 has been described as an additional phase in which the VO2 adds on top of the metabolic requirements of that work rate (Paterson and Whipp, 1991).  Phase 3 is steady state VO2 levels, which are reached after approximately 3 minutes (Whipp, 1987).  

For constant-load exercise below lactate threshold, oxygen uptake rapidly increases with exercise onset obtaining a steady state within about 3 minutes.  However, during constant-load exercise above the lactate threshold an additional ‘slow component’ VO2 response is present (Gaesser and Poole, 1996).  The VO2 slow component represents additional oxygen cost that is superimposed on the rapid phase of oxygen uptake kinetics observed during exercise onset (Gaesser and Poole, 1996). The slow component has been defined as the difference between VO2 measured at 3 minutes of constant-load exercise and end-exercise (Gaesser and Poole 1996; Womack et al, 1995).  The magnitude of the VO2 slow component is elevated with increased intensities of exercise above the lactate threshold.  Elevated body or muscle temperature has been proposed to contribute to the VO2 slow component; however, these observations are based on the temperatures rise during the constant-load exercise (Poole et al, 1988 cited in Saunders et al, 2000; Poole et al, 1990 cited in Saunders et al, 2000). The duration of exercise have been found to determine the magnitude of the slow component and the cause of the slow component is the increase in blood lactate levels, increases in plasma epinephrine levels, increased ventilatory work (minute ventilation VE), elevation of body temperature and recruitment of type IIb fibres (Xu and Rhodes, 1999). The recruitment of type II muscle fibres during exercise has been found to be an explanation for the slow component phenomenon (Barstow et al, 1996; Whipp 1994).  Barstow et al, (1996) demonstrated that the contribution made by the slow component to the total VO2 response to 8 minutes of heavy, constant load cycling was greater in subjects with a high proportion of type II fibres.

Exercise itself results in relative hyperthermia (Febbraio et al, 1996), heat production during exercise is 15-20 times greater than at rest and is sufficient to raise Tc 1°C every 5 minutes if there are no thermoregulatory adjustments (Nadel et al, 1977 cited in Coris et al, 2004). Gonzalez (1988) cited in Cheung et al, (2000) found a hot and/or dry humid environment imposes a major stress on the human body’s ability to maintain physiological stability during exercise, due to decreases in the thermal and water vapour pressure gradients between the body and the environment, therefore impairing heat exchange. Lindinger, (1999) more recently supported this and concluded exercise in the heat imposes additional challenge to maintaining high levels of physical and mental function due to demands placed on mechanisms to regulate thermal and fluid balance. The combination of exercise and heat stress has been found to increase the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory strain on the body because of the requirement to send blood to the skin in these conditions (Sawka and Coyle, 1999).  Endurance performance during prolonged, submaximal exercise has been found to be reduced in a hot environment (MacDougall et al, 1974; Adams et al, 1975; Suzuki, 1980 cited in Morris et al, 1998).  Morris et al, (1998) more recently supported this, they found that performance during a prolonged, intermittent, high-intensity running test to exhaustion was less in a hot environment (30°C, ∼66%) than a moderately hot (21°C, ∼71%) environment.

When the air is hot, the thermal gradient for heat loss is reduced so that the rate of heat accumulation by the body is increased and fatigue, or an inability to exercise voluntary, occurs sooner than when exercising in cool conditions (Werner, 1993).  Rowell (1974) cited in Febbraio (2001) found a reduction in O2, substrate delivery and utilisation because of reduced muscle blood flow during exercise in the heat.  

Morris et al, (1998) supported these findings suggesting decline in exercise performance in heat may be due to its impact on Q and mean arterial blood pressure.   Sawka and Coyle, (1999) more recently stated cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems are thought to be primarily responsible for the decrease in exercise performance in a hot environment.  A high level of aerobic fitness has been associated with an improved exercise-heat tolerance (Cheung et al, 2000).


The aim of this study is to establish if VO2 kinetics and the slow component are when exercising in a heated environment compared to that of a thermoneutral environment.  

Hypothesis 1: Participants VO2 will increase when exercising in a heated environment compared to that of a thermoneutral environment.

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Hypothesis 2: Participants VE will increase when exercising in a heated environment compared to that of a thermoneutral environment.

Hypothesis 3: Participants HR will increase when exercising in a heated environment compared to that of a thermoneutral environment.

Hypothesis 4: Participants RPE will increase when exercising in a heated environment compared to that of a thermoneutral environment.



In the investigation conducted 2 healthy participants both aged 21 and of similar fitness levels volunteered to take part.  Both participants had their height and weight taken prior to completing the investigation.  Participant 1’s height was 158cms and weighted ...

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