Perhaps the most significant research support for memory as a reconstructive process comes from studies done on eyewitness tes

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Perhaps the most significant research support for memory as a reconstructive process comes from studies done on eyewitness testimony. Elizabeth Loftus was one of the first to examine this area, and she is still the most prominent researcher examining it. In court, witnesses are to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God. God help them. This instruction assumes people have encoded the truth in their memories and can remember it without alteration. However, if memory is reconstructive, then people's memories will often be remembered with alterations.

In one of Loftus's initial studies, subjects saw film of an automobile accident (Loftus & Palmer, 1974). Subjects were asked to estimate the speed the automobiles were moving when the accident occurred. However, subjects were asked to make that estimate in slightly different ways.

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Subjects who were asked "how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?" estimated that the cars were going 40 mph, while subjects who were asked "how fast were the cars going when they contacted each other?" estimated that the cars were going 30 mph. Simply using the word "smashed" rather than "contacted" seems to have increased people's estimates by 10 mph.

Furthermore, when later asked "do you see any broken glass?" subjects in the "smashed" condition were more than twice as likely (about 33%) to say yes than those who had been in the "contacted" condition ...

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