Possible effects of TV viewing in children

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Assignment 1:  The possible effects of exposure to TV violence on school age children.

The last fifty years of television viewing has led to a large body of research, conducted to ascertain the effects of media violence on children.  In this study, I have examined the amount of violence depicted in programs aired by the ABC and commercial TV channels, which are directly aimed at school age children.  Data to support this study is attached as an appendix and highlights the number of times in which physical, verbal and relational aggression took place during each program and the consequences for both the aggressor and victim.  Further, the findings of this study are compared against a sample of published articles and readings which examine the correlation between media violence and aggressive behaviour in children.  

On a cartoon program aired on Saturday morning, there were 13 violent acts in one episode.  These acts included cruelty to an animal and verbal aggression directed at teenage girls and boys by their student peers.  This slander appeared to be typical behaviour and the boys and girls who instigated this form of aggression were held in high esteem by their group and were socially confident.  In contrast, the victims of this aggression appeared to be less well-adjusted, lacked confidence and readily accepted this type of behaviour.  Relational aggression in the form of bullying and coercion was also noted in this episode.  The consequences to the aggressor included an elevated status amongst his peers whereas the victim was made to feel powerless.  However, in a later sketch the victim gains some respect from her peers as she seeks to intimidate the aggressor with her own form of coercion.

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Other illustrations of physical and verbal aggression were depicted in an episode of “The Simpsons”.  Although not as many instances of aggression were shown on this episode compared to the cartoons aired on Saturday morning, the situations were more violent.   For example, a handgun was used to kill geese because they ate an important piece of paper which flew into a lake in which they were swimming.  In another act, an issue was resolved by a physical fight between two men.   The acts of aggression are humorously depicted and the aggressor is shown to successfully resolve problems ...

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