Should animal testing be banned?

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 Vivekan Brunschwig            

                                 IGCSE – argumentative essay, 2nd Draft



Should animal testing be banned?

Slavery, murder, and rape are considered among the worst crimes imaginable, however thousands of innocent animals die everyday in labarotories, Why? Throughout the centuries, scientists have searched for methods to treat and prevent disease in humans.  Every new discovery must be tested to prove its reliability, because experimental results vary according to with the circumstances and the physiology of the animals used. Since animals are the closest living organisms to human beings, scientists have traditionally tested their new products on animals. However, over time better methods, which do not involve animal suffering, are available. Nevertheless, the debate continues between supporters of animal research, who believe that animal research is vital to medicine, and opponents, who are convinced that animal research is wasteful and misleading.  

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“Experiments using animals have played a crucial role in the development of modern medical treatments, and they will continue to be necessary” states Adrian R. Morrison (University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine) in the Scientific American. Some people, like Morrison, are convinced that to restrict research with animals would prevent discoveries that would benefit humankind. Animal experimentation has enabled progress in many aspects of science for humans and it has led to many discoveries such as antibiotics, vaccines, diabetes research, organ transplants and so on. The benefits for animal experimentation – acquisition of new knowledge and development of ...

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