4. SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis provides us with an effective way of analysing the relationship between our product and it marketing environment. A SWOT analysis allowed me to examine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing my product. It takes into account both internal and external factors. The internal factors are the Strengths and Weaknesses facing my product. The external factors take into account the Opportunities and Threats present in the environment in which the product is operating.

For ease of presentation, the SWOT analysis of my product has been continued on the following pages.

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A2, The reliability of the models used

1. Boston Matrix

The Boston Matrix provides me with an effective way of analysing my products position, with regard to market share and overall market growth. However, there are flaws that affect the reliability of the Boston Matrix. A good example of this is that different marketers may have different views on where a product fits in the matrix, resulting in a possibly detrimental effect on developing specific aspects of an effective marketing mix. It is vital that I have a good understanding of my products position with regard to the Boston Matrix.


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