Business Studies Revision Finance Problems with starting business: Location, finance (internal and external), customer base, market research

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Hana Vymětalová                Business Studies Revision 2006        

Business Studies Revision


Problems with starting business: Location, finance (internal and external), customer base, market research, basic cash flow, building

Business owner ship: Franchise, Sole Trade (owned by individual), Partnership (contract “Deed of partnership”), Privet limited company – Ltd. (limited liability), Public limited company – Prc. (listed on the stock exchange)

Objectives of business: Survival, Growth, Financial, Need of stockholder, Image &         Reputation, Expand

Cost         – money spent on operations, activities

Revenue – gain by selling products Q*P

Output – the number of products that business has made

Fixed cost         – stay same with different level of output

Variable cost– change with level of output

Management accounts


Break Even Point is the level of output in which the revenues equal total cost  

Margin of safety is the amount by which a business can produce at break even

Contribution is a formula calculates how quickly the selling price contributes to the fixed cost, after BEP it contributes profit

BEP = Fixed cost / (Selling price – Variable cost)

Contribution = sales revenue – variable cost

Advantages and disadvantages of BEP:

        +  Managers need to know how much they need to produce and sell to cover the         total cost and make a profit

        +  They can find out the Margin of Safety

        +  Aid business decision about pricing and output level

        +  Can support loans in financial institution

        + Show losses and profit in different level of output

        −  Unstable business environment

        −  Depends on quality of information


Cash flow records/account the cash flowing in and out of business. Is the short-term movement of money through the business but profit is the return from the investment in the long-term. We need to manage our cash flow because we need money for day-to-day run. Managing cashflow is one of the most important aspects of financial management. Cashflow problems are the most common reason for new business failure.

Forecast (prediction) and statement (what has happened), negative (poor) and positive (healthy)

Forecast cashflow sets out the anticipated cash inflows and outflows over the coming months

+ Review the amount and timing of receipts and payment

+ Help to identify the most dangerous mounts

+ Identify the amount and timing of any cashflow problems in the future

+ Arrange financial cover for any shortages (nedostatek) of cash  

− based on estimates

Receipt is cash in: by selling products to the costumers, bank loan, overdraft and selling assets

Payment is cash out: electricity, materials, salary, advertising, bills

Opening Bank Balance - amount of cash a business starts with each month

Total Receipts - add all of the receipts

Total Payment - add all of the payment

Net Cash flow - Total receipts –Total Payment

Closing bank Balance - Opening Bank Balance + Net Cash flow

How to improve cash flow:

  • Increase sales
  • Reduce prices
  • Discount for early payment of bill
  • Factor the debt and receive 80% in 24 hours
  • Leasing rather than buying equipment
  • Decreasing the level of stock
  • Credit on material
  • Analyses business operations
  • Arrange bank overdraft

Reasons of incorrect cashflow forecast:

Assumption – difficult to predict sales revenue

Unexpected cost – increasing cost of raw materials

Inexperience – first time of making forecast, some mistake

Reduction inaccurate information by:

Research similar business

Advice from experienced manager

Financial advise – bank

Market research – customer’s ideas

Sources of finance: where the money in business come from. If the business wants to expand it will probably need to find additional finance.

Advantages of cash flow:

+ ensure that the business has enough cash to survive

+ Without availability of cash from day to day even the successful business can fail

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+ Business will be able to repay the loan


A budget is a target for cost or revenue that a firm or department must aim to reach over a given period of time.

Budgeting is a process of setting targets covering all aspects of costs and revenues and turning firm strategy into reality.

Objective Budgets based on finding the best way of achieving a particular objective.

Flexible Budgets vary with changing business

Zero Budgeting approach that set each department’s budget at zero and budget holders justify each pounds they are asking for. Business can set a budget ...

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