Compare and contrast the short- run and the long- run equilibrium positions of a firm under monopolistic competition with those of a firm under perfect competition.

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Compare and contrast the short- run and the long- run equilibrium positions of a firm under monopolistic competition with those of a firm under perfect competition, and examine the view that monopolistic competition leads to less efficient use of resources than perfect competition.

In order to proceed with the questions of the subject, we must follow a specific plan of analysing things, which will allow further conclusions. First of all it will be shown below what is happening to the short-run and long-run equilibrium of a firm under monopolistic competition. The same will be shown for a firm under perfect competition. And this analysis will distinct each type of firm and make further discussion more clear. Then the discussion will move to the comparison of the equilibriums in short-run and long-run of a firm under monopolistic competition with a firm under perfect competition. Finally we will examine and conclude if monopolistic competition leads to less efficient use of resources than perfect competition.

It is easier to start the analysis of the subject from perfect competition, as monopolistic competition has some characteristics from perfect competition and it would be easier to define and analyse it. Starting from the market, we see that a perfectly competitive market is one, which both buyers and sellers believe that their own buying or selling decisions have no effect on the market price. This means that every individual knows that his own quantities supplied or demanded are lightly relative to the market as a whole and so he acts having in mind that his actions have no effect on the market price.

Moving from the market and looking to the firms, we see that firms in a perfectly competitive industry face a horizontal demand curve. It does not have any point how much the firm will sell. It will get the market price. If it wants to charge a price above Po, will sell no output because buyers will choose other firms whose product is the same. Also since the firm can sell as much it wants at price Po, there is no need charging less than Po.

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The above analysis of demand, in addition with the short-run supply curve, will show the short-run equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition. To construct the firm’s supply curve, we need to see the quantity of the goods, which the firm in the industry supply at a given price. Each firm uses the marginal condition (MC = MR) to find the best positive level of output and then uses the average condition to check whether the price for which this output is sold, covers the average cost.


                Short-run supply curve.


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